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T-Reich's Shitty Reviews: Full Pipe

Started by Tyrannosaurus Reich, July 29, 2008, 02:30:14 PM

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Tyrannosaurus Reich

July 29, 2008, 02:30:14 PM Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 10:01:47 AM by Tyrannosaurus Reich
Intro: Ever heard of a game called Full Pipe? If the answer is no, don't be surprised. Full Pipe is, without a doubt, one of the most (if not the most) overlooked and underrated games of all time. While everyone on Steam is busy playing Counter-Strike, this fantastic and strange gem of a game is ignored by practically everyone. While stumbling around Steam's demos, I found this game. I decided to try it out, and I fell in love. Soon I bought it, and eventually, beat it. So now I think is the perfect time to review this not-so talked about game and just tell you how awesome it is.

Gameplay: Your basic point & click adventure game. Move Dude (yes, that's his name) around by clicking wherever you want to go. In addition, there are also "games" that need to be completed in order to pass. The game requires a lot of puzzle-solving, thinking, and paitence. Of course, knowing how strange the game itself is, logic will not be required very much.
8 out of 10


If these graphics don't look sexy as fuck, I don't know what does.
9 out of 10

Sound: The music in this game is awesome. To picture (okay, "hear") the music, imagine Tin Hat Trio doing the music for Cowboy Bebop. Or maybe Napple Tale but jazzier and/or creepier. I dunno. The music is very atmospheric, catchy, and sometimes even a little bit creepy. One of the most notable aspects of Full Pipe that sets it apart from other p&c games is that there is no dialogue. All the creatures in the game only make weird grunts, clicks, and other sounds. This feature pretty much adds to the game's bizarre charm.
8 out of 10

Plot: Your shoe is stolen. You go under your bed to get it. You fall into a sewer with weird animals and people. Get out.
5 out of 10

Length: The game is actually quite short for a point & click. Hardcore adventure gamers will probably beat it in two or three days. Even shorter if you're really good or maybe if you beat it already.
6 out of 10

Rehash Factor: Sadly, like a lot of adventure games, once this game is beat, that's about it. There also aren't a lot of secrets to discover, so that kind of makes it a bit less replayable.
6 out of 10

Difficulty: As I said before, this game will require a lot of puzzle-solving skills. People who tend to be impatient will more than likely get frustrated with it. In addition, some of the "games" I mentioned earlier can also be somewhat annoying the first time around, so practice is a must.
7 out of 10


The Good:
-Awesome music
-Very artistic looking graphics
-Great for fans of p&c games
-Only ten bucks
-Also great for stoners

The Bad:
-Not a lot of replay value
-A bit frustrating at times
-Nobody plays it
-I can't find a way to extract the sounds so I can't make a Dude pilot :(

Final Score: 9.1 out of 10

If you want to buy the game for yourself, then go here. It's only $9.99 and there is also a demo if you want to try it out for yourself. Of course, you'll need a Steam account, but whatever.