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NumEnemy and the Congratulations/Rounds Won/Continue Screen.

Started by Jesuszilla, September 30, 2008, 07:16:40 PM

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After fixing a bug related to these screens using a NumEnemy trigger, I got to thinking... Could this possibly be used to create a continue screen, continue anim, or even character-specific "endings" for simul?

After some testing, yes, this could allow for such things. Think, for example, Spider-Man's ending in MvC. He posed with the other character and took a picture. In simul, an "ending" coded within the character's lose/win state could allow for this without it displaying in normal play.

To test this, I used a helper.
[State x, Test]
type = Helper
triggerall = NumHelper(666) = 0
triggerall = NumPartner && !NumEnemy       ; After all, there are no enemies on the congratulations screen! This is the main trigger.
trigger1 = Partner, Name = "Terry_WLS"     ; Triggers if the partner is Terry_WLS.
helpertype = Normal
name = "WEEGEE"
ID = 666
pos = 300,-50;-250
postype = p2
facing = ifElse(Facing = 1,1,-1)
stateno = 666
ownpal = 1
size.xscale = .25
size.yscale = .25

Not really for your everyday use, but you could probably do some fun things with it. Probably more useful in a full game, though.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



Kung Fu Man

Doesn't work for the continue screen due to disabled helper sctrl. :\


Could've sworn I tested the continue screen... I guess not. I'll check that later.

Just try to keep things peaceful.