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Rockman (and other Capcom games) storyline bitching thread.

Started by Fusion, February 21, 2008, 09:46:21 AM

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Inafune's a madman who can't run a story any more, creates lackluster characters and just assumes the fanbase will just "get over it" when they start getting sick of the Rockman series.  "They're for children" he says.  Yeah, instead of catering to a general fanbase and keeping the same icons for years, he decides that switching protagonists every series is a lot better than, I don't know, actually making money.  Bringing X and Zero back in a NEW game would actually be better than seeing Vent and Aile do crap again.  I want to play as X and Zero, not a couple of idiots who think they're X and Zero just because they can, oh, "take their form" so to speak.  Not to mention by the ZX timeline the plot's officially screwed up anyway because we're STILL not clear if Model X is the real X or if it's just that copy of X.


February 21, 2008, 01:16:43 PM #1 Last Edit: February 21, 2008, 01:33:34 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
MegaMan, serious business.

Seriously, if you're playing MegaMan games for plot you should be put into a mental ward.



Fanfiction writers can come up with a better plot than Capcom can.


The first Love Hina fanfiction I read had a better storyline than any Capcom game ever made (and it was just a one chapter lemon-filled fic too)

Tyrannosaurus Reich

Quote from: Jango on February 21, 2008, 03:16:42 PM
The first Love Hina fanfiction I read had a better storyline than any Capcom game ever made (and it was just a one chapter lemon-filled fic too)

i read hentai fan fics that are better than this shit

hell even subspace emissary has a crap story just for the lack of sonic baddies


February 22, 2008, 12:25:46 AM #5 Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 01:08:05 AM by [Kira]
More like Inafune's made the series -require- a plot.  That crap started with 7.  It was fine until story telling became more than half the game in X4, then it just got too deep from there.  Adding a playable Zero that could use a buster like X and his own saber was the last straw for me: I knew Megaman wouldn't be what it was any more because Inafune wanted a blond-haired bishie as series' lead yet Capcom wanted something recognizable.  For one in my life, I actually agree with Capcom's decision.

Ever since Capcom gave the spotlight to Zero, why the hell do they even say "The Blue Bomber is Back" in reference to a ZX series title any more?  MEGAMAN HIMSELF HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GAME!

But enough ranting about that in THIS thread.


Just try to keep things peaceful.



But anyways,

Quote"Did Zero really "kill" the family between the events of the Classic Mega Man and X series? "

Keiji Inafune: "No, Zero did not kill them. According to the way I created him, Zero is not such a person--it is not in his profile."


Just try to keep things peaceful.



I'm so tempted to make a Dr. Gero joke right now but I really don't know how to word it.


Alternatively: As a carrier for the Maverick/Irregular Virus.