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Happy new years!! Discuss

Started by bebop, January 01, 2009, 06:13:20 AM

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Hey guys ;)
Just wanted to say Happy New Years, and hope you guys partied hard or had somewhat a good time. I honestly think TrinityMugen is the coolest internet folks I've ever ran into. So, just wanted to share a little train of thought.

Anyways, what did I do for New Years? Party? Fuuuck yeah. I went to an E party, popped 2 pills and played some trance giving light shows to people basically all night. We were at a hotel, there were fine bitches that I probably could've fucked/made out but I chose not to since I'm loyal to my girlfriend. And yeah, I dunno what I'm doing at 4:11 AM in the morning and still awake, it must be the ecstasy keeping me up but whatever. Doesn't feel too bad.

And... when I wake up later I'mma go to Goftland (Arcade) and attent an event called "Arcade-Mania", a cool event that they hold every Thursday, where you pay $10 and you can play ALL the arcade games for free, until closing time. It opens at 10 AM and ends at 11 PM. Cool huh? I'mma play some CvS2 and hopefully kick some ass. Wish me luck :X

I wish you guys would be there though I'm sure you'd find it fun.

And that's about it, good night/good afternoon dudes.


Time to return to my same old same old scheduling.


We had a LAN party and played TF2. My friends jumped up like 150 ranks in the server and we all had excellent pings, like 29 or so. There were 5 people if that gives you an idea.

I drank 6 Rip-It energy drinks. Didn't do anything to me since I'm used to caffeine and I have ADHD. I had a normal heart rate. Of course, I felt a bit nauseous when I got home and I had a headache.

At midnight we shot off fireworks to light a Furby on fire. After the failed sparkler bomb it looked like Two-Face. When all was said and done, my friend asked, "Does anyone have to pee?" and I put it out with my natural extinguisher.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I popped 5 pills last night. Didn't feel anything until I left the club though.


Above poster's avatar is accurate.



Nigga what the fuck is juice? I want some PURPLE DRANK.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Modest is too intense for a word to describe my new year's day.
But that's what you get when you sense the ACTA coming....

Tyrannosaurus Reich


Just try to keep things peaceful.


I worked... and then I had a Brawl marathon. Unfortunately my Mr. Game and Watch game was no match for my opponent's Ness game.