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Claude Speed Plays CvS2

Started by Jango, January 23, 2009, 12:52:16 PM

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He's like the best CvS2 player ever


That shit was ILL, RAD combos! :mrox: :mrox: :mrox: :mrox: :mrox:

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Aw jeez I think hez bayad enuff 2 get in2 Club Syn.

I actually don't know the guy, but I hear he tried to become an hero on kid's Tylenol, so he must be pretty hard.


Hell Claude Speed is the MOD of Club SyN's Random Insanity.


Quote from: Captain Vegeta on January 23, 2009, 07:38:42 PM
Hell Claude Speed is the MOD of Club SyN's Random Insanity.

Well if my first impression wasn't from him spamming my Ren showcase video, this wouldn't be much better.


Ok the first post you made in this thread made no sense, you used an before a word that doesn't begin with a vowel, and your sense of humor is equal to shit. Your second post doesn't make sense as well imho. Either I am trippin' off of cough medicine or you are just not re reading your posts before you post them.


this is the best attempt at trolling ever


Im not trolling just stating facts. Btw this video is insane.



Megaman X5 stage select at 0:25?


At least he plays it better than me, and the frame rate isn't half bad either.
Don't take me seriously.  You won't like me when I argue.

Quote from: Chiba on January 16, 2009, 03:33:00 PMSorry Kipling, Orwell, and last but not least, Carrol. It looks like your works won't stack up to a porno game.


Quote from: Vans on January 25, 2009, 04:00:35 PM
Quote from: Fox McCloud on January 24, 2009, 08:28:34 PM
Megaman X5 stage select at 0:25?

Yeah, it's a fan-made CvS2 music mod called "The Accurate Mix". Most of the tracks were changed for awesome ones.

What kind of asshole would do that?

Now what is nigra supposed to show his moves to without MOE RHYMZ DAN MICHAEL JOEDAN HAS SLAM DUNKZ?


Yeah that was my only complaint as well.

Just try to keep things peaceful.