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Mugen Creator Score Chart

Started by Neon_Tiger, February 17, 2009, 04:17:28 PM

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February 17, 2009, 04:17:28 PM Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 04:23:25 PM by The End
Sure to generate hours of hilarity.

Here's mine:

1p know how to code

1p create a stage

1p create a character
1p ^ which becomes popular
2p ^ bitch because you think it sucks

2p have one of your creations stolen
A long time ago someone ripped off one my stages and some StoneMan coding.

2p have one of your creations hosted

2p be namedropped
4p ^ for NO reason
I know who you are.

3p create an 'insert adjective here' name character
Meta ToadMan.

4p retire from MUGEN
4p ^ and then come back
I retired more times but didn't make fusses those times.

3p get confused for another author/character on a regular basis
3p ^ your name or the creation name have NOTHING to do with the one you're getting confused with
Tigre Negro

5p piss someone off
Just visit the IRC channel!

10p lose the content of your mugen folder

1p have a youtube account
1p ^ upload mugen videos on it

5p create something not out of a fighting game
-10p fail at it

5p Make an April Fool's character
-10p ^That is invincible
10p ^^that can never win
Meta ToadMan and Nothing.

1p use .dgc or some obscure format to pack your creations.
1p ^ do it specifically to piss people off.
1p ^ succeed.

-3p add a SGS to any character that didn't have one before
-1p for each time you did it
-1 StoneMan
-1 Meta ToadMan
-1 Copy ToadMan
-1 Slot Machine



February 17, 2009, 05:35:54 PM #2 Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 05:38:37 PM by Jesuszilla
1p know how to code
1p know how to sprite (just a little though)
1p create a character
1p ^ which becomes popular
2p ^ bitch because you think it sucks
1p create a stage
2p ^ which is edited
1p create something original (Niggah, Bill Cosby stage)
2p have one of your creations hosted
3p ^ without authorization
3p ^ create shitfest to get it taken down
2p be namedropped
4p ^ for NO reason
10p piss off an 'important' sub-community (MFG,MI)
3p get confused for another author/character on a regular basis (9999 you're still a fag)
20p have one of your creations leaked
5p piss someone off
1p have a youtube account
1p ^ upload mugen videos on it
1p update someone else's creation
5p won an award
5p create something not out of a fighting game
5p Make an April Fool's character
1p use .dgc or some obscure format to pack your creations. (Niggah)
1p ^ do it specifically to piss people off. (again, Niggah)
1p ^ succeed.
-1p use someone else's content


Just try to keep things peaceful.



1p know how to code
1p know how to sprite (mostly NES sprites to slightly less sucky, but whatever)

1p create a character
1p ^ which becomes popular (I dunno, the YT Mugen community kinda likes Ren)
2p ^ bitch because you think it sucks (After taking a good long look at him, yeah)

1p create a stage (too many to remember)
2p ^ which is edited (everything that was from a non-fighter, plus my DJ-VAN homage stage)

1p create something original (Ren pretty much only had his sprites in common with the game)

2p have one of your creations stolen (yes)

2p have one of your creations hosted (The Brambles in the Breeze stage)
3p ^ without authorization (I didn't tell them yes, but whatever I don't care, free points)

2p be namedropped (usually by Kakuto/LuigiMaster/whoever's on my dick at the moment)
4p ^ for NO reason (see above)

10p piss off an 'important' sub-community (MI) (DOES RANDOMSELECT/CLUB SYNDICATE COUNT?!)

5p have a spokeperson (at one point it was Kung_Fu_Man)
5p ^ that actually has a different way of thinking that you (see above)
5p ^ and that puts his beliefs in your mouth (see above)

5p piss someone off (Most everyone on Randomselect, Jared)
5p ^ ON PURPOSE (Randomselect yes, Jared no)

10p lose the content of your mugen folder (When I upgraded Ubuntu Linux)

1p have a youtube account (WaruiGouki)
1p ^ upload mugen videos on it (yes)
1p ^You have a MUGEN team you use for Youtube videos. (On-off)
2p ^people bitch at your MUGEN team (They wanted to put Reimi on the "CHEAPIES" list)
5p ^people love your MUGEN team (Yes because it's small and full of weird characters)

1p update someone else's creation (Jackie Chan, once)
1p ^ actually make it better (It fixed some huge bugs so yeah)

5p be a mod on a major mugen board (DOES RANDOMSELECT/T-REICH'S BOARD COUNT?!

5p won an award (two Randomselect awards, possibly a Club Syndicate HEADBUST award)

5p create something not out of a fighting game (Bonkers and Burnin' Leo)

-5p deliberately copy someone else's style (Bonkers and Burnin' Leo used the Knuckle Joe system)
5p ^^ succeed! (Jared said they were cool)

-1p use someone else's content (yeah but I always asked)


You pricks ain't got nothin' on me



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