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Slot Machine Mk 2: Thread 2

Started by Neon_Tiger, August 11, 2008, 11:53:41 PM

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August 11, 2008, 11:53:41 PM Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 12:04:30 PM by Torgo
The old thread was really old, so I'm making another.


Slot Machine Mk II is an update to the original Slot Machine featuring new attacks, new quotes and in general more features than it's original counterpart. Among these include a variant of Super moves Slot Machine can do after losing one round called Haxor Moves, which have very over powered effects.

Progress Report:

Fixed the infamous "Do a Barrel Roll!" loop bug the old version had.

Sprite Changes for the following: Anti-Damage, StarMan's moves, and Leonard Macduff.

Basic new moves done.

Haxor Moves done for now. One Haxor Move is notably easy however and may be replaced later in development. Tower of Power may be too strong.

Most of quotes done.

Intro and winposes, something previous versions of Slot Machine lacked. This includes by popular demand, a Type-Moon character getting Misogi'd.

Most all of Kloak's objects done.

Sound still needs to be ripped for a few of the above items.

Bar has been modified to instead of halving Slot Machine's damage indefinitely it now only lasts a few seconds.

Yellow Devil has been changed to include multiple patterns based off of ones actually used in MegaMan games.

Modified Winposes added for certain groups of characters.

Beta "auto-play" function added to be used against bonus game characters.

One Character Group Specific Haxor Move partially programmed.

Configuration Options to disable Random Quotes, OHKO moves and Haxor Moves.

Things Left to do:

Program moves I haven't told you about yet.

As previously mentioned there is the sound issue.

Finish the last few Kloak Objects. Add more variety to his basic curved projectiles.

Potentially change the Haggar object to bounce around like a spring.

Fix known bugs.

Test the **** out of it and tweak it as necessary.

Remove debug coding.


Estimated Release Date:

December 22nd 2012

Random Screens (none of which contain Flame Mammoth):

The last instant kill move in Slot Machine, this is based off of Atomos's Wormhole move from the GBA and PSP ports of FFI.


Two examples of Kloak's more elaborate objects to throw. The second image was always an image of Kutlass.


(Blame Unnamed Person for the preceding two screens. Slot Machine is using a Teleport move in the second picture that induces tripping based off of Shang Tsung's from Mortal Kombat Armageddon.)



August 14, 2008, 11:06:04 PM #1 Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 12:07:27 PM by Torgo

Quote from: Klaptrap on May 01, 2007, 08:29:39 PM
The website they were on was destroyed due to Moskau, and me being unable to access due to personal reasons. I'd reupload them, but most of them on later pages anyways. The RMMUMS section in the Random Shit section has it far worse, as the WHOLE topic was nothing but images on that site, which is dead.

Also, this isn't in the WIP topic to see if n00bs actually check more than one topic:

I don't think it's insane enough yet. Now the question is what goes in the center of the slot?

Quote from: [Kira] on May 01, 2007, 09:09:31 PM
... Oh man. Did you just do what I think you just did?

Quote from: Klaptrap on May 01, 2007, 09:16:40 PM
If you're thinking about giant robot snails, yes.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


Did you actually play MegaMan 4? It's the mid-boss from ToadMan's stage.


August 15, 2008, 11:40:48 PM #4 Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 12:07:56 PM by Torgo
Some more screens, because I can.

Of the things people e-mailed me about regarding Slot Machine, why Dan Forden didn't appear during the Toasty quote was high on the list. As you can see this has been rectified.

Another of Kloak's objects, not a particularly good shot but it's a proximity mine from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.




December 05, 2008, 09:18:31 PM #5 Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 09:21:48 PM by Zap Rowsdower


I was so busy with my last set of classes to be frank I didn't do much to Slot Machine, however I have begun work on him again in my spare time.

Progress Report II.1 (Updated December 8th):

The aforementioned haxor move that was considered being axed, has been axed. Barring any random outbursts of creativity, it is highly likely the nine that exist as of now will be the ones in the final version. With the exception that one of them may be nerfed a bit. The prior move, has indeed been nerfed significantly, but is still powerful enough to warrant it's continued use.

Fixed a bug that occurs in time mode where time runs out and MUGEN hangs up for a while, why no one told me about this I will never know. I assume this never happened as Slot Machine would simply kill people before time overs.

Fixed more minor bugs not worth mentioning.

Fixed an issue with Bar that occurs with a certain haxor move, in general improved the way Bar worked. If you missed the previous update, it's now a time based effect.

Fully implemented all random quotes, special thanks to KFM for hosting Sound Recorder which made this possible.

Added in additional Yellow Devil patterns from one other game and two inspired by a different one.

Begun coding a special haxor move for certain types of characters, the final part of which is going to be mother fucking doozy. Began to drink excessively.

Things Left to do:

Program other moves I haven't told you about yet.

Change the way Kloak throws certain objects to give them a bit more variety.

Go back and re-evaluate the damage values Slot Machine has for now, as many need to be reconsidered.

Fix known bugs.

Test the **** out of it and tweak it as necessary.

Remove debug coding.


Estimated Release Date:

December 22, 3012

Estimated Private Beta Release Date:


Random Screen(s):

Key Q returns! Not finished, as there is a noticeable graphic mistake on the error message. Finished, for all intents and purposes too lazy to get a new screen though.


Progress Report III:

One of the haxor moves I was considering changing has been changed and is in the process of being implemented. In addition the name and origin of this move has not been decided at this time.

Changed a few of Kloak's Objects and added 1 bringing the total to 31, given how weird a number that is I may add more in the future. Do not give me suggestions because I cannot guarantee I will do this.

Planning on changing the G.P.O.D. move to do something else as Gilgamesh has effectively co-opt the old moves purpose. The G.P.O.D. will stay because of its long standing association with me, I may however be forced to replace the Giant Chill Penguin with a different penguin.

On the subject of Gilgamesh, some people keep suggesting I use his voice from XII, I haven't even looked into that yet.

Added in configuration options for one of Slot Machine's new moves that I will see create bitching, allowing the move to both be disabled or even made more difficult.

On the subject of configuration options, there is also an option to disable OHKO moves and random quotes. Most of the OHKO moves simply no longer occur, however the Communist Murder is nerfed to the less powerful Copy Murder used by Copy ToadMan.

Fixed minor bugs.

Removed the mercy rule associated with the HIKBOD (in the last released version of Slot Machine the HIKBOD gets stopped while Yellow Devil is active), given the move is now a haxor move I have no problem taking this away. That and It'd be a bitch to get to work right with all the new Yellow Devil patterns.

That one move I had mentioned before that was going to be a bitch to code has been tweaked slightly to make things easier for me.

Stuff I still need to do:

Finish the things that are left and then go back and make sure everything actually works the way it should.

Rip some effects from Final Fantasy V for a Haxor move (IT'S NOT GRAND CROSS).

Rip new effects for the Proton Cannon, as I've never been particularly happy with the ones Slot Machine uses now.

I still need to change the way some of Kloak's thrown projectiles work to add some variety.

I intend to add a haxor configuration option that will not only allow disabling of the moves, but change the round they occur on (i.e. for people who play three rounds giving them an option to have a haxor move trigger when Slot Machine has lost two rounds).

Estimated Release Date: December 12, 1323 Foundation Era

Estimated Private Beta Release Date: Never.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


January 12, 2009, 11:52:59 PM #8 Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 01:44:00 PM by Zap Rowsdower
Notice: Due to the sheer amount of shit I still have to do I am no longer accepting suggestions for new attacks, etc, at this time. If you have any wait until I finish the shit I have to do first. This way I can actually finish shit instead of half assing it and saying that's good enough.

k thanx

Just to make sure I'm locking this for the time being.


April 20, 2009, 12:21:35 PM #9 Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 12:23:24 PM by Torgo
Progress Report IV:


There where quite a few ideas that people kept bitching at me to do but just slowing down progress so I axed them. This includes the Andross move people kept bitching about, now if MUGEN where 3d that move could in theory make sense, but it isn't so fuck you.

With that in mind I am now officially in the tweaking phase, everything I plan to have implemented in the next release is implemented in some fashion and at this point it's just systematically going back and tweaking everything to work right, and changing out some sprites for better ones but the underlying code is all done.

I also need to spend some time deleting things in Slot Machine that aren't used which is actually quite a bit. Filtering through all that will take at least a day.

Kloak now has a grand total of 35 objects.

Failsafes added in for Kloak's somewhat wonky behavior...

Cat O' 9 Tails added in as a move onto itself, with Kutlass replacing the vacant Kloak object.

All haxor moves implemented and finalized.

G.P.O.D. move changed.

StoneMan move changed (see W.M.S.G.H.W. thread).

Unnamed haxor move combined with two different moves that weren't being used to their full extent to form Captain Planet... I mean a full move. You can even see those two other ones if you dig around the board well enough.

Countless other tweaks you wouldn't care about.

Estimated Release Date: Summer

Estimated Private Beta Release Date: A couple of weeks assuming my classes don't dump work on me. Given it's my final semester and I'm mostly taking bullshit classes to fill up credits I should be fine.

Oh yeah I graduate in May, yay me.

You can now post in this thread again but I'm just going to ignore you.


I just realized earlier that Slot Machine isn't exactly a character you can beta test effectively because he's random, so yeah I don't think I'll be doing a private beta, it seems pointless.

That doesn't effect most of you anyways, but I felt I needed to make the correction.


Cat O' 9 Tails was random too...

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Not even remotely as random as this.


Also, you're graduating in May? Damn, I guess we all grow up fast...

Just try to keep things peaceful.