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Started by MC2, March 14, 2009, 05:24:35 AM

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Just try to keep things peaceful.


Hang on I'll send it to you.


dude the stance is helluva misaligned


That humongously loud voice makes my ears bleed. :'(


March 16, 2009, 04:35:06 PM #19 Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 05:15:28 PM by MC2
I definitely see the misalignment people are bringing up now.  I've got to fix that.

And the voice hurts mine too.  It's just that the rips are really loud for whatever reason.

EDIT: This is the axis on Haseo's Lucario.  Does this look any better to y'all or should I play around and get a good axis of my own?  Personally I think it looks a LOT worse.


March 16, 2009, 06:49:05 PM #20 Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 06:53:19 PM by Insanius
You're under the assumption that either of them got it right.  :what:

This took all of five seconds to fix


Hah, I see what you mean.  You outdid both of them and me.

I really hope that this doesn't turn out to suck, because I've lost count of how many amateur mistakes I've made so far.  At least I've got coding pretty much down.


Take each mistake as a learning experience, and relish it.


Alright, I have no clue what just happened.

I loaded up Lucario in MUGEN and got an "Asser Failure in spr-lib.c line 560" error.

Then I went into Fighter Factory to mess around with him and around group 5001 image 10 I got a "can't locate this sprite" error.

This is why I should have backed up every change I made.  Is there any way I can revert to the last version of the character?


Not Unless You Have A Backup Ver.

Hey Wait, In Fighter Factory, Don't You Just Have To Delete The Missing Sprite?


^I'd try that, if at all possible.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I'm gonna start over again.  The CLSNs and Axises on my last build were mortifying.  Not to mention the whole thing was an out and out mess.


Expect progress to pick up again folks.  As I said, I'll be restarting from scratch because now I'll be able to pick up on stuff I couldn't during my first run through.


Just to prove that it's still on.

Akuma Fan