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RMUMMS Revival (Not 56k friendly)

Started by Neon_Tiger, June 16, 2006, 11:57:25 PM

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June 16, 2006, 11:57:25 PM Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 08:21:23 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Being the weirdo I am, I decided I'll be reposted the entire RMUMMS (Random Messed up MegaMan Screens) here, complete with the Alt Text, which many people in Firefox don't notice (which helps to explain the jokes in a few instances.). I'm going to start with a bang with Battle Network 4. Expect blatant spoilers from pretty much every MegaMan game that shows up here.

Battle Network 4

This quote needs no introductions.

It must be hard to toss taside others, it would seem.

The BN4 Engrish continues.

The text abrubtly stops here when the word preliminary could easily fit...

BN4 was the game that really started the rampant abbreviation abuse.

Let? Let what?

This came in.

Horray for double negatives!

This line also needs no introduction.

Blue Bandanna's are also a gang symbol... so the old man should really watch his back.

I fucking HATE Chisao.

Between MegaMan and Haruka, I don't think anyone knows anyone else's gender in the BN universe.

Navi's use healing programs, not band-aids...

A Giant Fricking LAZER!

Lol, hypocrite.

It's called a collar bone...

More abrupt text drops, they became very common after this, and are in both BN5 and 6 to boot.

Sound is a wave, not a beam.

Speaking in abbreviations? Silly Capcom...

... most people would use the word "you" MegaMan...

Funny thing is they never mention the gang throughout the entire game...


Why're? Damnit they keep contracting everything too...[/spoiler]

And a special bonus, here's a sneak peak at BN6.

OH SNAP![/spoiler]


Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 22, 2006, 10:38:25 PM #2 Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 08:22:14 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Now for the not nearly as funny Battle Network 3:

Battle Network 3

Read the first line if you do not get it. This is why we should use the Japanese names COA!

Make your own jokes, people.

Yes, we have no Bananas today.


Although, abbreviations got used more in BN4, BN3 did have it's share of them.

Including the infamous "FlamMan".

... I'm sorry I have to say it.

He's an mad scientest, its what he does!

And you shall not insult him!

Such a bad pun...

By popular request, a Yai head joke.

Now, back to the puns with a bad bowling one.

This is only funny in the context of the game, and thus is a lame joke.

Man those are some weird kids...

This was before Capcom started to use *'s to indicate sound effects...

At least they apologized this time...

I wonder if that could work...

Given his lack of an appearence in BN5, and 6 we can only hope this happened.

But could Chuck Norris?

What Lan doesn't get Spam? Bullshit...

How the hell would you even pronounce THAT?!

I'm shaking in my boots.


It? I count three...

This would probably be considered tame to most reality shows... uh... KingMan's opperator guy...

Again, make your own jokes.

Arm the Photon Torpedos!

Woah... some one needs some anger managment...

Q is the battler, not the Navi, dunderhead.

Now get off his lawn!

OWNED. Or I suppose it should be QWNED sense he is Q. Oh did I spoil that for you? TOO BAD.


... yet a bus took him to the park in Battle Network 2.

Later in the game they call him Shun...

Subliminal Communisum, SCORE.


Behind you doofus...

Well, that's what you get for not giving MetalMan an appropriate version of Metal Blade, bitch.[/spoiler]


June 27, 2006, 10:08:04 PM #3 Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 08:22:50 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
He is serious, and don't call him Shirley.

For a change of pace, some Zero 4 STUFF.

MegaMan Zero 4

... hey I wonder if this one will piss of Jesus for the simliarites to you know who...

Holy shit Colbor still lives after being unheard for 3 games!

ECLAIR?! Oh my god... a boss after a fricking pastry...

He's an pastry, AND a Klingon... wow.

Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! Go Planet! Captain Planet, he's a hero, gonna take polution down to ZEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO...

Said the plant.

This game has like the worst plot, EVER.

That bastard stole that line from Mirror Spock!

Neige stole my car!

But isn't he hanging around in cyberspace looking at Levi po... *Shot*

ZOMG, MegaMan bosses with ulterior motives... we are surely doomed.

Awfully confident for a guy in two peices...

After this games plot, I would have to agree.

Dude he lost to a fucking pastry...

Yes, there are already enough of those on the internet.

Make your own jokes people.

Hell Kelverian was smarter than this goof...

Neither do I, I don't really have time to touch this game again either.

... leave Body Spliting to the Yellow Devil.

They have lawns after 21XX?

lol, abbreviation contradiction


Ya, know, the guy is right, we should have just let Wily kill Light.



And I gave Weil the last word, as this is what the series should do at this point.[/spoiler]



Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 28, 2006, 02:24:54 PM #5 Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 08:24:00 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
And now to do a bunch of games that don't have as much as those ones.

MegaMan 6

This line also needs no introduction.[/spoiler]

MegaMan: Battle Network

I really wish this was a fake screen, but alas it is not.[/spoiler]

MegaMan: Battle Network 2

Subliminal messaging in video games, look at the column to the right.

And Scooby Doo too?

Why oh why did Capcom have to pick this number of all the two digit numbers...

This is a bastardized Shakespear quote, the original?

Quote from: Macbeth Act V, Scene vTomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle,
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing

MegaMan Zero 3

... hard a hard time?

More contracting madness. I also don't know why the file name is "bijalbr.gif", I must have been on Nyquil at the time.

Aloutte says something that everyone else has been thinking for years.

Two different characters say he's horrible, hmm...

I think Copy X decided to create his own tense...

Shouldn't Ciel be saying this, not Zelo?[/spoiler]


The Spoiler tags were added to prevent the page from being too ungodly large, and because they contain spoilers, to prevent people from seeing spoilers from games they hadn't played yet. Anyways, this seems like a perfect time to do some more.

MegaMan Zero 2

Finally we know who set up them the bomb.

They were abused so much there names were mispelled.

... I'm not even going to say anything this one speaks for itself.

More engrish Ciel quotes.

You get stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere in an arrid climate and THEN you can complain.

More evidence that Ciel is a human.

Wait... did he just call Harpuia a fart?


Well she should be glad he didn't die again, really. It is his hobby after all.

Did I ever mention how much I hate Elpizo, cause I do.

Senile reploids, geez...

That's kind of creepy. Oh as a sidenote, this character was originally Dr. Weil concept art, but they made him into his own character after they decided to make Weil into Lavalamp man, interesting eh?

Shouldn't that be a were given that they said wars and not war...

This one just sounds weird.[/spoiler]

And for sheer randomness,

MegaMan X8

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...[/spoiler]


More like 200X

The Rockman games after the second take place in 20XX, and the first takes place in 200X, so we can assume that the first one takes place sometime in 2007 or after.

I expect Mexican gardeners to start going crazy in the next year or so.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I think he was refering to when I'd have screens from those games, regardless.

Battle Network 5

The usage of stupid abbreviations returns! It should be noted that abbruptly not using the third line is also back.

Well, I would disagree, he obviously has a multiple personailty complex.

... dust-motes?

Wow, he REALLY has his priorites straight...

Funny, his name was Mr. Dark in Battle Network 2. Maybe his full name is Dusk Dark?

Why question whether or not Gauss was casuing trouble Lan?! Its a ****ing statement!

Neon Tiger Got: Became annoyed by bad translations.

... I have now lost all faith in humanity...

NapalmMan decided to steal Higsby's catch phrase... that bastard.

Where is the word "it"?

Where is the word "the"?

"It is unlocked it" as apposed to "It HAS unlocked it"... silly COA.

Justa is not a word, just and a are words, but that requires a space.

Oh my god... Kefka has hacked his way into Battle Network...

The "What a polite young man she was" of BN5, Lan states one of the lines that Mr. Famous is suppose to.

At first glance nothing is wrong with this. But, Yai did not ever meet Pride in Battle Network 2, neither did Dex or Mayl for that matter.

Push you off... from the front?

Maybe I'm not familiar with this expression... but is sounds fishy. Speaking of Fishy where are the Fishy viruses?

Nebula is a group working as a whole, and thus should be refered to in the singular.


O_o... usually you beat someones socks off... not there pants. And GyroMan doesn't even HAVE pants!

After 5 games, the origin of the Squirrel is explained... but what about the Elephant?

Nice oxymoron.

Just drop the s and add a and it would be fine.

Holy... make up your own perverse comments for this people!


Should be teammates, there are only two of them there when he says this.

ShadowMan is high and not of on life.

Get revenge makes more sense.

The word "you" is missing.

He turned into Peppy Hare, all he needs to do is Barrel Roll!

The word "are" is missing.


He's turned into a valley girl! Hide your credit cards!


WideSht... do you realize what else that could stand for?

Some how that doesn't sound very threating...

Should be wrote as *shake, quiver* going by the rest of the game...


... I take Capcom never saw that Seinfield episodes and therefore the alternative meaning of this phrase (here's a hint it involves being naked).

Yai's entire character summarized in ONE sentence. Bravo![/spoiler]


Battle Network 6 doesn't have much in terms of mistranslations, so there isn't really much to make fun of. Besides we still have MegaMan Zero.

MegaMan Zero

... Look behind me, dumbass,

What Base? It's just a bunch of airlifted in enemies and a crazy pink masochist! God this woman is special.

Make. Own. Jokes.

Ciel ponders the meaning of time itself.

Thats the worst metaphor EVAR.

See Ciel is human! Now shut up everyone who thinks otherwise!

X, should be moderated for speaking in all caps.
-Note, this was before speaking in all caps became a staple of the programs in the Battle Network series.

Well you DID just sit there until I gave you food...


The hell? I kicked your ass, STFU n00b.

Andrew appears to have a butt fetish.

So corny, so very very corny...

Should he make his time?

Get off Zero's lawn!

Thats what you get for infecting your cpu with Spyware from THOSE sites...

And now an injoke for X4 fans.

Zero IS Captain Obvious.

Hear that sound? That's right it's the sound of a PLOT HOLE. In all the other Zero games Neo Arcadia was created by X, and said to be at least 100 years old, as Weil was banished from there 100 years ago.[/spoiler]