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New Super Mario Bros.

Started by Jesuszilla, June 19, 2006, 08:03:08 AM

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June 19, 2006, 08:03:08 AM Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 03:49:05 PM by Jesuszilla
While I WAS going to review Megaman: Powered Up! next, I decided to review this since I beat it first.

Mario is back in an all-new adventure. 3D graphics with 2D scroller gameplay y helo thar X8.
Graphics: 8/15

Let's see.... The game starts out when Mario and Peach are walking along, and then something explodes near the castle. Mario runs over to see what it is, and, unsurprisingly, the stupid gook leaves Peach behind, allowing her to be kidnapped by none other than.... BABY Bowser?!?! Well, it's a little different than expected, but still... It's a Mario game, you know what's gonna happen.
Plot: 3/10

Now onto the gameplay... It's like the classic 2D Mario games, so it's better than usual. I actually liked it. There's even some new features, like the MEGA-MUSHROOM and the tiny mushroom, the Koopa Shell, which makes Mario wear a blue koopa shell, and by running, starts to spin around and knock out enemies. However, in some stages, that's just asking to lose a life. There are a few new enemies, however, the majority you encounter will be, you guessed it, goombas and koopas.

Then there's this:

Gameplay: 6/10

Overall, this was a fairly decent game, and the soundtrack was okay for the most part. I especially like the main overworld theme that's from the first level.

Overall: 83.7%

B. Fairly decent.

Just try to keep things peaceful.