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Started by Deleted User, March 20, 2006, 11:58:47 PM

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So the other day I was screwing around at work when a brilliant thought came to me: Megaman and Scrooge in a game together! The concept would be like Megaman X4, but with the ability to switch between the two on the level select screen (other possibility, concept would be like Donkey Kong Country series where you can swap between the two at any time during a level). You play as either Scrooge or Megaman to get through levels, beat a boss, and get a weapon. Basically the way they'd be different is as follows:

+ Has much more firepower
+ Can take more damage before dying from an enemy
- Some things will kill him instantly (spikes, laser beams, etc)
- Most likely will take the longer path in the game
Weapons: Mostly focuses on different ways of attacking.

+ Unless it's an unending pit of doom, Scrooge will never die instantly.
+ Can use his cane to open up or navigate to different paths, sometimes leading to a comparatively faster way to the level.
- Not well suited for combat.
- Can't take much damage before dying.
Weapons: Mostly focus on new ways to solve puzzles (ie: A hookshot extension to his cane that lets him grapple to distant latches)

I have no idea what the story would be about (most likely some way to make Dr. Wily and Flint Goldglum team up because lol evil old guys), but I know that Megaman would play the hero while Scrooge would tag along to make money.


call bane84 we have a winner
where is my song :)


April 08, 2009, 06:36:21 AM #2628 Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 11:36:46 AM by The End
If you go for the swaping, let both characters get a weapon from a boss, it's retarded when you do it the other way.

As for plot: MegaMan 9 implies Wily has cash flow problems, Flint has money and is evil. PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER...


The only problem with swapping DKC2 style as I see it is that it would pretty much allow the player to use Scrooge to get through puzzle parts and then switch over to Megaman for the boss fight, thus it would make the game go by very quickly if the level branches aren't made just right.

The other problem I see is the bosses. Granted common knowledge would say "have a mix from both games" but that would be weird to be fighting, say, Metalman for one level and then the giant rat from the Moon stage on the next.


Quote from: c001357 on April 08, 2009, 06:14:49 AM
where is my song :)


Sgt Squirrel



Tyrannosaurus Reich

fuck scrooge i want


lol Darkwing Duck. That game was pretty subpar.

Also now if/when I get this game off the ground, I need to have a boss fight with Metalman riding the Giant Rat.


While Darkwing Duck may not have been that great of a game, Launchpad was in both so you could have a boss from Darkwing Duck show up for shits and giggles.


That might work (Flint hires *insertDDbosshere* to fight Megaman/Scrooge).

Tyrannosaurus Reich


Quickie rant:

I've never been one for Tiers in Smash Bros.  But I've also never been a fan of stage restrictions, either.

Why are stages in Smash Bros. Brawl restricted?  Because you just can't play a Falco\Fox\Wolf game right if you're playing on any stage other than Final Destination.  What do I say?  Man up and face the Pawnch, you wusses.


Dude that rant is as old as fuck