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Started by Jesuszilla, December 10, 2009, 04:20:28 PM

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December 10, 2009, 04:20:28 PM Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 12:47:45 PM by Jesuszilla
Might as well come clean: I was reluctant to put up K.O.D's Geese in the portal. Hell, I was actually about to delete it until I found out that I never put it up in the portal at all, and for good reason:

First off, do not let the name mislead you (MIB, Mexican, Iranian, British). Vans really had nothing to do with the creation of this, and is just something K.O.D slapped on there to make it look good. In addition, KoopaKoot really couldn't deal with many of the flaws in this Geese because most have to do with K.O.D's system, and to work with anything else, he might as well be coding his own Geese (which I think he may plan to do).

The release of this Geese to me seemed rather spontaneous considering how he hadn't even been tested for very long and there was still feedback that needed to be addressed. I am aware that I didn't test it at all, but that was because I was very busy with schoolwork, not to mention that I am not too familiar with the Geese from the source material. There is nothing I could have spotted that Vans couldn't, as he has a knack for this, not to mention I prefer Rolento's Geese way too much to like any other.

To come one day and see the announcement of the release was somewhat alarming. The Guild thread already had legitimate feedback regarding bugs, STUPID, RIDICULOUS bugs that are hard for even a rookie to cause. It's as if nobody had tested it at all, which is certainly not the case. When JANGO says it feels like shit, we have a damn problem.

Day after day, more and more ridiculous bugs were found. Don Drago, whose creations I used to laugh at, had more laughter than any of us ever had when he saw the, for lack of a better term, fucking stupid bugs in Geese. I'm not mad at him at all. It's not that I think it's karma and that some of us deserve it, it's that some of us would laugh at more minor bugs than this. I would have done the same damn thing if I weren't so fucking embarrassed that this piece of shit was on our hosting space. With that, thank you for being kind enough to give him feedback, Don Drago. Ninja_Naruto really needs it in order to go back to being K.O.D.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not just ragging on K.O.D. I'm just as disgusted with myself. I turned down hosting to a friend because he never completed anything he started and I felt that the one or two things he did complete weren't up to our standards. That was a dick move on my part, and I apologize to you, Kung Fu Man. You can imagine how shitty I feel now knowing that we're hosting this, which doesn't even match up to our standards for "mediocre." That was not just a dick move, but also a foolish one, as those incomplete creations could still be of great use to someone, and I can't believe I totally forgot about your awesome stages.

I would also like to apologize to Don Drago. I'll admit that I'm not too fond of your creations, I'm not too fond of how you label your creations something and at the same time retract it, but at least you have some good ideas and you know where you want to go with them, and you're a good guy and a great tester.

That is all. Thank you for your time.

Just try to keep things peaceful.




Did you really need to issue a public disclaimer on this? Seems a bit douchey.

Sgt Squirrel

You just made everyone that visits TrinityMUGEN disregard the new K' he made.

The K' which is currently the best one out there and, despite some stupid bugs, feels really good.


December 11, 2009, 12:49:38 PM #5 Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 01:12:13 PM by Jesuszilla
You're blaming me? Yeah, not c001357. Totally not people like him.

I'll post an explanation later. The way I said some things was pretty terrible, and I apologize to everybody this time.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


We humiliated him as Ninja Naruto. About a year, maybe two later, he comes back as KOD. He totally blows away the expectations Vans and I had by making an awesome Terry. Sure, this might have been fueled by spite and rage towards us (not saying it was), but regardless, I MISS that creativity he had then! That was true fucking art. That's what he did when he made the Ultimate characters.

Forgetting to implement some things is understandable.... For a rookie who doesn't playtest. KOD's been doing this for years. There's no excuse. Not even ahuron makes these sort of obvious mistakes... I'm not asking for Vans-type accuracy. I'm just asking for correct feel and no overabundance of these bugs! I know I didn't really do my part in helping to find these during the testing phase, and KOD, I apologize to you for not doing so, even if my knowledge is limited, I know I could have noticed a few things that were wrong.

KOD had my respect because I felt he finally knew what he was doing... Then he goes and rushes Gato and Geese. That made me sad. I was disappointed in him. Is it so wrong for me to want him to improve? I think we all want him to do better. If you say that this isn't going to help, well neither is enabling him by just accepting his several minor mistakes which could be fixed quite quickly.

I see how my initial post could be taken the wrong way. I mentioned the SITE. I basically blamed KOD for starting to destroy our reputation, when that's not true at all. I apologize greatly for projecting towards KOD. All I am is disappointed. You're a cool guy, but sometimes your attitude pisses me off. Please forgive me, man, and I hope you can hear me out on this.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on December 11, 2009, 01:34:25 PM
We humiliated him as Ninja Naruto. About a year, maybe two later, he comes back as KOD. He totally blows away the expectations Vans and I had by making an awesome Terry. Sure, this might have been fueled by spite and rage towards us (not saying it was), but regardless, I MISS that creativity he had then! That was true fucking art. That's what he did when he made the Ultimate characters.

Forgetting to implement some things is understandable.... For a rookie who doesn't playtest. KOD's been doing this for years. There's no excuse. Not even ahuron makes these sort of obvious mistakes... I'm not asking for Vans-type accuracy. I'm just asking for correct feel and no overabundance of these bugs! I know I didn't really do my part in helping to find these during the testing phase, and KOD, I apologize to you for not doing so, even if my knowledge is limited, I know I could have noticed a few things that were wrong.

KOD had my respect because I felt he finally knew what he was doing... Then he goes and rushes Gato and Geese. That made me sad. I was disappointed in him. Is it so wrong for me to want him to improve? I think we all want him to do better. If you say that this isn't going to help, well neither is enabling him by just accepting his several minor mistakes which could be fixed quite quickly.

I see how my initial post could be taken the wrong way. I mentioned the SITE. I basically blamed KOD for starting to destroy our reputation, when that's not true at all. I apologize greatly for projecting towards KOD. All I am is disappointed. You're a cool guy, but sometimes your attitude pisses me off. Please forgive me, man, and I hope you can hear me out on this.
His attitude? You've got some nerve. What makes you so high and mighty?


December 11, 2009, 04:51:14 PM #8 Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 04:54:48 PM by Jesuszilla
Nothing at all. I never said I was any better than him.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Alright. He has a life too. He doesn't owe you shit. Or any of us for that matter.