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The Community Update

Started by Jango, June 03, 2010, 04:14:50 AM

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With Michaelangelo coming to a close, I looked through all of my old cancelled WIPs (read KFM dummies with the stance swapped out) and found some that I have interest in picking up once again*. However, experience has taught me that you will accomplish nothing by doing multiple WIPs at once. The problem is I have equal interest in finishing any of these, and since I can't decide which one to work on, I will pull a Valve and let the community decide for me.

Following is a series of silhouettes. I won't tell you who they are, their shadows should be enough. Your job is to pick your favorite shadow and vote for it. At the end of one month, I will pick the winner, and reveal all of them.

I hope your senses are strong, and good luck!

The Line-up

Choice #1:

Choice #2:

Choice #3:

Choice #4:

*No, that does not include Heavy D.


There can be one, and only one winner towards this cause, and I think we all know witch one it is. Regardless interesting way to go about deciding who'll you'll be working on next, more less getting a judgment on people who would be interested as well.
What you gonna do when a round begins?
IAD! (what?) IAD!
What you gonna do when they block that hit?
IAD! (Yes!) IAD!
What you gonna do when your opponent's fullscreen, spamming Soul Fist, preventing you from proceeding?
Yeah, just keep on beasting cause eventually you'll crush the precinct. Cause you're a Q-Bee!


Alrighty, I'm bored, voting is closed because I'm being a schizoid bitch right now. SO LET'S TALLY UP THE VOTES SHALL WE?! Boards counted were Guild, Randomselect, TrinityMUGEN, and MUGEN Genesis.

Last Place:
#3: Ebisumaru from Ganbare Goemon 4 (7 votes)

Ebisumaru was going to be a return to roots for me (which reminds me I really need to update Bonkers and Leo). Movelist was going to be a compendium of his moves from 3-4, and his super would naturally be his ballerina twirl. Also he's the only chibi on this list.

Third Pace:
#2: Magma Dragoon from Megaman X4 (10 votes)

Anyone who is anyone has made a shoto at some point in their life. I was going to make Magma Dragoon be mine, as all of his moves are from Ryu. Wouldn't be a total shoto, though, as having access to his tile set makes it easy to edit more moves.

First Place:

#1: Sailor Mars from one of the Super Famicon fighters (32 votes)

Sailor Mars was going to be in a similar style to both Takagi and Michaelangelo, with an emphasis on old-school Super NES fighting gameplay. She was going to have a mix of moves from both games, and edited stuff to make her more balanced.

#4: Mr. Jones from Rage of the Dragons (32 votes)

Mr. Jones was going to be my first foray into making something from a respectable fighting game, and attempt to make it feel like the game, yet tweaking him to my own standards.

"Wait," you're asking. "How can he end it on a tie?" And indeed, that is a valid question. So I did what any rational man did and just randomly asked someone on IRC.

Quote<Cyanide> if i'd voted it would have been jones, or the weird looking thing in slot 2


If your character didn't win, don't feel too bad, I might pick it up later on in the future (if I'm still in MUGEN, lol).