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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Spoiler for pointless dump about my psyche.

[spoiler]I've noticed lately that I've been ragequitting games a lot.  Just Single Player, mind you, but nonetheless I've killed power to the machine in a bloody rage.  Why is this?  Well, partly I think it has to do with what I've become over time.  Even though I'm about taking the middle ground in any general argument, for video games there doesn't seem to be a middle ground for me.  For me, it feels like this kind of unerring mediocrity has spanned throughout my life.  My schoolwork was mostly Bs and Cs, and I never post my sprite work anywhere any more because I usually fail to get any attention so I don't know what to fix, or even what others think.

This makes me feel that my failures in gaming end up reflecting my failures in regular life, both past and yet to come.  Maybe I'm better than I give myself credit for, but I've got nothing for that other than arrogance.  Don't get me wrong, I know I can do better, I just don't know how I can do better.  I can't see my own failures, because I live too much in the moment.  It's either that, or, I was just born genetically inferior.  But I'm not Liquid Snake, so I'll let whoever decides to actually read this determine that.[/spoiler]


I actually have no idea how to respond to that because I've been going through a LOT of problems of my own at the moment, and I'm sure everyone else has as well. I don't see how some people find free time during school, or how anyone can graduate when they make you do so much irrelevant crap.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Okay I'm back and PFFFFFFFHAHAHAHA what the fuck happened to everyone

Brandy Bogard

The None released a couple new chars

We discovered a name anagram generator

AoK got on to me for spamming his guestbook.




Tyrannosaurus Reich

Today we just had a tornado come right over us. Me and my family were in my grandmother's storm shelter, and we heard it pass over us. It managed to tear off a HUGE fucking tree branch. Miraculously, my granny's house wasn't damaged in any way. But damn, if that branch was any close it would have RAPED her fucking porch. Granny is actually pretty pissed about that because she apparently wanted the insurance money for a new one.

Well, in any case:

Reich and his family - 1
Mother Nature - 0

take THAT tree huggers


She should have taken a sledge hammer than and inflicted some manual "tornado" damage.

Yes that's the only thing I've decided to reply to after coming back.


April 08, 2011, 05:57:24 AM #1267 Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 06:31:31 AM by Jango

OH YEAH and for those of you who weren't in the channel, I am now officially the proud owner of the 2-Disc Special Edition for Space Jam.



April 08, 2011, 09:54:27 AM #1268 Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 10:39:48 AM by UHMEEEEBA
While that is nice I actually have to ask how they managed to stretch that movie into two DVDs worth of content.

On an unrelated note did I miss any good April Fools jokes this year?

Also this.

Tyrannosaurus Reich


[spoiler]Also if you remember that Slam remix I was supposed to do a long while ago I more or less gave up on it because I don't know shit about Sony Acid :([/spoiler]


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on April 08, 2011, 09:54:27 AMOn an unrelated note did I miss any good April Fools jokes this year?

- Guild reverted back to old community permissions guidelines. There were a lot of fakeposts that parodied the first community change, a thread devoted to designating "spokespersons" for retired creators, and Titiln ran around comparing .cns files for everything that got released or locking threads that had stuff from Blazblue (because it came out "too recently"). A lot of people fell for it, especially people that really thought the change was real. Oh yeah and fake cease and desist from Seth Killian.
- Mugen Infantry... had MC2 accuse Luigi1632 of hacking his Guild account, and the poor aspie fell for it. And some guy changed his avatar to Claude Speed and used his typing quirks.
- MSPA Forums made the layout ridiculously terrible to look at and navigate. A lot of people thought Hussie was being serious when he changed the layout.


Wow those all suck, I like mine better. Which I forgot to post when I came back so here it is.

I had the guy taking care of my fishes while I was away upload a remade version of an old video Jango did with an "updated" name (which is to say I made a joke about MSPA's Sound Team being full of thieves).

Took all of a few seconds to set up when I was packing luggage.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

yeah i caved into this dumb fad



Brandy Bogard
