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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Nope it's mine now.

Anyways obligatory 100 page highlights. I'm lazy though so not as much.

So let's start with Twilight being set on fire.

Offensive sidekicks.

Slam Space

Raptor Song. Video.

Rollar Coaster Tycoon: The Movie

Jango graduates.


No really you have issues.

Announcement of Manos II.

Death from above death from above! Also immediately followed by a review of The Aristocrats.

The Blizzard account name controversy.

And the subsequent fallout.

Objection Dance Party

Again, Wily Has Palns For Destruction...

Called it. Authorize THAT.

Still want MC Chris in Men in Black III after the last page?

He needs to do one for Other M, seriously.

I still don't  understand why.

Slamtime, a much simpler time.

Quote from: Insanius on September 03, 2010, 01:18:16 AM

And it stunk.

Terminator 2: The Opera.

How does it feel to be last Justin Wong?!


Colonel Sanders in some Japanese video game.

The return of Justice Fire Man.

A website about Goosebumps the book series.



And again I feel ill.

Nice coding+1.

A brief section about rape face Woody. Continues one the next page.

Inafune quits Capcom. My concern about the Mega Man franchises has since been shown to be valid.

We talk about our results with Halloween for a page.

Tyrannosaurus Reich's computer dies.

Jango's IRL dick move of the night.

The future of gaming ladies and gentlemen.

Haven't heard anything about it since, guess they took one listen to the song about Tunnel Rhino and said nope.

RIP Leslie Nielsen.


Ancient Mega Man 2 guide, followed by a brief discussion on dated Pokemon rumors.

Putin, the master troll.

Journalism at its finest.

Also Slam Slammer, immediately followed by an archival site for the Space Jam movie.

Maybe he was just never funny and you all outgrew the humor.

Kids attempt to use dated technology, fail horribly.

Guitar Hero series cancelled, including the DLC. Also the second worse pun in all 100 pages.

The count likes to ****.

Chinese government bans time travel.

The worse pun in all 100 pages.

Bin Laden is dead.

Celebration immediately interrupted by confounding ponies.

What do you want?

Jango's computer also dies.

And people wonder why Capcom doesn't make Mega Man X games these days.

RIP Randy Savage

Kano gets knocked down.

A brief discussion on how Mario RPG has not aged well.

Door hangers.


Wow, now I am nostalgic for when I used to be blindly devoted to Homestuck. Everything was so simple, the Squiddles album came out and was awesome...

Flash forward to Alterniabound, Medium, and fucking MOBIUS TRIP AND HADRON KALEIDO


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on May 22, 2011, 12:32:58 PM
So there's a new Mega Man comic by Archie I haven't been following


Is it bad I'm curious to see how they incorporate Oil Man and not get sued?

Today's press solicitation of issue six,

QuoteDr. Wily has vanished! Roll has been kidnapped! Dr. Light is in federal custody! What's Mega Man to do? The blue bomber teams up with Cut Man and Ice Man to investigate the ruins of Wily's castle and search for clues, but what dangers await within? And who are these two, new, powered-up Robot Masters?

So yes, Archie is actually going to try and make Oil Man work.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on June 18, 2011, 09:18:56 PM
what the fuck is this shit
i don't remember any of this
where are the REAL highlights?

Like when KoopaKoot got ovarian cancer and died?
Or when Jango got amnesia and thought he was a duck?
Or when Vans got shot, ironically on the day of his retirement?


You can always link to them yourself, just find the relevant post in the previous 100 pages.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on June 19, 2011, 09:28:22 PM
You can always link to them yourself, just find the relevant post in the previous 100 pages.
and do work?

are you mad?!?!?!


Pretty sure you could use the search feature to right of Toad Man's head up there.

Sgt Squirrel

that's toadman's head?!

holy shit why hadn't i noticed that before



They see me roll on my segway
They rollin their eyes cuz I'm so... Chink and nerdy?

Tyrannosaurus Reich

First Savage, now Ryan Dunn

Death, just once, can you PLEASE stop getting rid of all the cool people


Clearly neither took the theme song for George of the Jungle seriously

Tyrannosaurus Reich

Brandy Bogard


The careless dude that nobody cares about

I see that no one here wasted their time, good. :P

"Well then, let's kill".