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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Wouldn't be surprised if he puts it in a blog post some time down the road, he does that some times.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

August 31, 2010, 07:53:48 PM #436 Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 08:02:07 PM by Tyrannosaurus Reich
to jango:

Also I saw the entire thing of Kill Bill today. Basically Vol 1 is fucking awesome, the first half of Vol 2 is great, everything after that is pretty disappointing but not god awful, I just wish [spoiler]Bill and Beatrix had an actual fight scene as opposed to "LOL BILL DIED IN FIVE SECONDS BEATRIX GETS KID MOVIE ENDS"[/spoiler]

in a nut shell:

Tyrannosaurus Reich

also double post because i'm changing my avatar to chun-li eating a cake because september 7th is my birthday and in a few days

i would change it right then but i'm staying at a friend's place for a few days so sdfhhg


Um should we post the caek now or what?

Tyrannosaurus Reich


... that avatar is quite good enough, I think. Boobies... so squishy...

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

and how can you say "GOD DAMN IT BITCH YOU ATE MY WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING CAKE" to a rack face like that???


She can have the entire thing if she wants...

Just try to keep things peaceful.


September 01, 2010, 10:54:37 PM #443 Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 10:58:45 PM by UHMEEEEBA
So I was going to go out and rent a game earlier and I found out online all the rental stores in the tri-city area are out of business. The march of progress is a bitch.

But I digress, please continue with your discussion just a bit of an observation I wanted to share.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Well it makes sense and all the business model is dated. Just a pain as I'm not about to shell money out for a Game Fly subscription if I only plan on playing one game.





Last I checked, no. If they did I would know about it.

Just try to keep things peaceful.