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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Tyrannosaurus Reich

Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on November 02, 2010, 10:32:54 PM
He's probably trying to avoid formatting unless nothing else works.

Not only that, but I'm trying to avoid having to buy new shit unless nothing else works. My ma already paid out her ass for my new computer.

Sadly, at this point, it may be the only option.



Factory-bought... Next time, build it yourself. Then you're badass.

That aside, yeah, you'll need to format. From now on, keep nothing but OS installations on the main drive and have everything else on other drives so you don't have to worry. Also, back up program settings (except Firefox, fresh is always good).

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Post a clear pic of the blue screen so I can diagnose it.



Impossible. Some blue screens only appear for half a second.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Spoiler for pointless bullshit:

[spoiler]After some reading in to the series, I found that F-ZERO itself is something of a canonical oddball, in that the backstory usually doesn't coincide with the game, and that maybe Nintendo got the story backwards somehow.

To start with, F-ZERO on the SNES has it's general story to be a wild, reckless, ruleless abandon of a Grand Prix, in contrast with the game's actual mechanics which have one boost per lap, no options to attack your opponents, and the tracks are reasonably designed.  The only evidence of this careless atmosphere is the cars that explode if you hit them, but beyond that, there's nothing.

F-ZERO X picks up years after, saying that there was this huge crash that F-ZERO only recovered from because of instated safety measures.  Again, a total contrast to the game because it's significantly more violent than F-ZERO ever was.  There's no cars that explode on impact, recharging is faster, but there's a lot of racers tossing each other around on the track, speed that's way above what F-ZERO ever had, and even more outrageous track designs just asking for a second giant crash.

F-ZERO GX retcons some of that in bits and pieces, but doesn't deny that there was a big crash.  Then again, this is the game that had Captain Falcon save the universe through racing, and not even in a good or satisfactory way!  Most of the game's story mode is just plot points, rather than twists.  But what really gets you is how the climax of this one is supposed to work.  The F-ZERO championship belt has a supernatural power to it, when fully completed, apparently unleashes evil spirits that intend to cause our hero, Falcon, some ruin.  But we beat the villain and face off against The Creators, who say that there are no supernatural forces at work.  Granted, that might just be them screwing with Falcon's mind, since they did challenge him to a race with a duplicate of his own machine.

But then you've got the anime and it's own separate timeline.

I'd really hate to think that Nintendo's done with the story of F-ZERO like they are with the story of Star Fox.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]Given the final race in GX's story mode is against the developers, I'm pretty sure the whole damn thing is non-canon.[/spoiler]



Are you seriously debating canon on a forum devoted to FIGHTING GAMES, the main culprits of canon rape?



That's why I put it in the spam thread.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

@the above two posters

we have a quote feature you know


It's a long post, no need to use it, really.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Also abuse of it causes quote pyramids.