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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Brandy Bogard


We now return to our regularly scheduled programming :)


Spoiler for irrelevant stuff about unused stuff in Gunstar Super Heroes.
In the game exist several songs that aren't used.  All of them are renditions of Sega Genesis music, and all of them had been known to exist before release, as several pre-release reviews directly site remixes from other games outside of Gunstar Heroes being featured.

Afterburner II - Final Take Off
The most famous of the unused tracks, this was actually used in one build of the game, as the music for the very first section of Moon 1.  The final's music that ended up being used would be started at the next section of the stage instead

Thunder Force II - Burning Point
This is another one of the unused tracks present in the game.  This likely would've been used for some section of Moon 2, since it is the only section in the game.

Galaxy Force II - Beyond The Galaxy and Alone Fighter
The two Galaxy Force II tracks present in the game.  It's possible they were meant to play during the game's two in-space shooting segments. 

ESWAT - Boss Music
This track was probably meant to play during the Boss Rush before Golden Silver, as it seems to fit the best there.

Wilderness - Golden Axe
I don't know where this track would've played, to be honest.  But then again, I'm not all that familiar with Golden Axe, so there may be a reference I have missed.

Power Up - Altered Beast (Starts with Rise From Your Grave)
Pre-release screenshots featured a boss based off of the flying form you got in Altered Beast.  This was likely it's accompanying music.  It's likely that this boss, along with the music, was part of Black's stage's Game Board segment.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Brandy Bogard on February 17, 2011, 03:39:36 PM

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming :)

Post the full pic.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard



Brandy Bogard




Sounds like a typical night. It's depressing.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard



I got a request do something not related to MSPA so there you go



You know we have a TF2 thread for a reason.


February 19, 2011, 05:26:00 PM #1152 Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 05:30:02 PM by Fox McCloud
Stop having fun and grow up you man-babies.  - Kay S. Hymowitz, Wall Street Journal

This is why I hate people.  Just go ahead and blanket label an entire generation, you're sure making a name for yourself, what with destroying the United States for us.


He's probably one of the people who thinks newspapers and print media will still be relevant in ten years.
