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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Make that a BG for the Nazi code


Just try to keep things peaceful.



Do my Mr. Jones vs any of Seravvy's chars, choiyer's haruhi, or kuromaru/slime. Then you'll know what you kuwt do.



Didnt know THIS game deserved a fanfest, let alone scheduke it during E3, but have at you. It is making me nostalgic, however.


Every time I try and replay Super Mario RPG I get only a little way through it before I realize how badly it's aged and play something else instead. Kind of sad really.


June 06, 2011, 10:46:09 PM #1416 Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 10:54:55 PM by Jango
That and the original characters (Geno and Mallow) kinda suck in hindsight. A crybaby puffball version of X-Men's Storm, and some shitty Mary Sue disguised as a doll. Belome and Boshi, however were awesome.

On a sidenote, the Japanese version rocks because Bowser flips you off in the winpose.

EDIT: Oh yeah, one other good thing about SMRPG: Mario was silent.


I actually had to look that up. I didn't know about that winpose.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


June 07, 2011, 12:57:22 AM #1418 Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 01:10:07 AM by UHMEEEEBA
I'd say Mallow is actually a worse Mary Sue what with the whole him being a prince aspect.

That whole Nimbus Land sub-plot never made sense to me, his parents exiled him when Valentina took over and he was raised for like ten years by the frog guy. Which means Valentina was fucking around in Nimbus Land for like ten years not accomplishing jack and shit. Also I guess that means Mallow's parents were locked in that one room that whole time too.

Geno's Mary Sue-ness at least gives back story on why you're supposed to care about stopping Smithy. Sort of like Buzz-Buzz from Earthbound but executed much more poorly (also in these sort of stories you should really get rid of that character after they explain their shit as otherwise it becomes too much about them).

Personally after Mario and Luigi 3 I think Nintendo just should make Bowser RPG, it'd be awesome.


June 07, 2011, 05:19:45 AM #1419 Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 05:23:24 AM by Jesuszilla
I ragequit on the Nimbusland and used a previous save that was there to fight Smithy. Fuck that sky bitch, whatever her name is.

And the thing I hate most about Geno is just how much they tried to FORCE it on you and they didn't even try to disguise that it was like a kid trying to get you to like his favorite show. In fact, that's the exact way they presented it: a kid playing with his Geno doll talking about how awesome he is and all we're like is, "who the fuck is geno and why should we care."

In fact, who the fuck IS Geno? We were given the plot of a possessed puppet, not the actual Geno. What is the ACTUAL Geno's backstory?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Well, the warrior picked Geno on the grounds that he appeared to be the strongest of the four dolls. However it could've been a goof on the translator's part. I mean, it WAS the same guy who did the first Chrono Trigger translation and replaced "liquor" with "Jurassic Soup" and made Frog talk in a proper old English accent when no one else in his era did.

Speaking of Chrono Trigger, now THAT'S a game that should get a fanfest if it hasnt already, and if it did, they should do another one.

UHMEEEEBA: yes, Bowser RPG would be awesome, especially if it includes the Giant Mecha Koopa as a Special Attack.


June 07, 2011, 12:36:01 PM #1421 Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 05:18:05 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Also the same translator for the SNES version of FFVI/III who gave us such lines as "Son of a submariner!" and somehow translated "Typhon" into "Chupon".

On the other hand he was responsible for Kefka's self help book speech so yeah overall a good thing.

As for the whole liquor thing, Nintendo of America at the time had a very strict no alcohol references in video games policy so that likely wasn't Woolsey's choice. Also the reason the bars in Earthbound are cafes for instance.


But but but... Jurassic Soup! That is a TERRIBLE NAME no matter how you look at it. Not as bad as Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido, but still...

Brandy Bogard

