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Started by Jesuszilla, April 28, 2010, 09:55:50 PM

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Speaking of all things related to Doug's shark jumping, this is just as glorious.


September 09, 2011, 05:01:21 PM #1696 Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 05:03:25 PM by Jesuszilla
Yep, judging by the Internet's reaction... I'd say it's gonna be hard to recover from this.

and is it bad that I pictured a Muppet instead of NC?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I did the same thing so I would assume no.

Sgt Squirrel

Brandy Bogard


Tyrannosaurus Reich

Brandy Bogard

September 11, 2011, 11:14:20 AM #1701 Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 12:04:34 PM by Brandy Bogard
dammit t-reich i was gonna do that



Just try to keep things peaceful.


September 12, 2011, 02:24:14 AM #1703 Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 02:33:36 AM by Jango
And now for 9/11 updates that arent offensive (or maybe this one is, your call), Serebii decided to kick off a week of competitive strategies for all of the Eeveelutions, starting with Vaporeon. I run the Wish/Protect set though, and that's pretty much common knowledge if you run Vaporeon, but the Hydration/Rest set makes me wish I picked Vaporeon in the Dream World giveaway instead of Glaceon (shakes fist).

Also special sweeper Vaporeon and Baton Pass Vaporeon without Acid Armor wtf

And I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what they come up with for Flareon since his stats and movepool combo are HORRIBLE, even with his Dream World ability, which is sad because even Glaceon's ability is good at increasing evasion and shooting off 100% accurate Blizzards although you need someone to start a hailstorm for it (like ObamaAbomasnow)

Tyrannosaurus Reich

since it isn't 9/11 anymore (at least in my timezone) i'm gonna post this piece of shit i made

tell me what you think

in other words how much it sucks


Well, it's better than anything WhizzyWhipItDevo made.

Tyrannosaurus Reich


[spoiler]i kinda like his stuff  :([/spoiler]


So I finally got my Pottermore beta-test account activated. If you want to friend me later (if you even want to go on Pottermore lol) here are my stats:

Username: GhostGold4 (the system picks your username for you, but I like how mine turned out)
Wand: 12 and 3/4" Alder with Phoenix Core
House: Slytherin

Tyrannosaurus Reich

is that like a giant playable harry potter fan fiction


September 12, 2011, 10:58:33 PM #1709 Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 11:01:16 PM by Jango
WELL it's more like you JK Rowling releases secret information about Harry Potter that was never publicized as you read through the books. There are sidegames like potion brewing, wizard dueling, etc etc that you can do and are required to do at points. You also have to do a series of morality quizzes that decide which wand you get and which house you get, although if you know people in other houses you can still friend them (ie: I was able to befriend my IRL friend who got placed in Gryffindor).

But yeah, you can submit Harry Potter fanart/fanfictions for critique, and in the latter's case, it's rumored that the good ones can get canonized into the Potter mythology (like how George Lucas has all the expanded universe books for Star Wars). Although I'm pretty sure my BFF's fanfic about Harry and Ron starting a death metal band wont get accepted.

Oh yeah, here's one secret I learned:

[Spoiler]By law, wizards are required to blend in with muggles, and thus wear muggle clothes most of the time. HOWEVER, in the event something important happens (ie: Voldemort dies in book one), this rule is temporarily suspended in celebration.

A better one though, is that J.K. Rowling developed stories for all of the tertiary characters that got so involved she had to axe them for fear of the series getting too long (lolwut), although the story moves on with these backstories in mind.