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Telltale up to something weird

Started by UHMEEEEBA, August 28, 2010, 01:00:44 AM

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Make of it what you will. Telltale has announced something involving Team Fotress 2, Sam and Max, Strongbad and Penny Arcade. Also they all appear to be holding cards, I dunno it's late.


Seeing that they're indeed holding cards, and Penny Arcade had a card game, could it possibly be a PC version of the Universal Fighting System (which is what the PA card game used for their game)?! Because if it is, it will be friggin' awesome. Ahhh, the memories...


Tyrannosaurus Reich

in a shocking turn of events it turns out telltale funded the appearance of these guys in marvel vs capcom 3

and the cards confirm that gambit is in the game



Still a PC UFS... That'd be cool. I might actually check it out if it turns out to be the case.

Any way you put it, this sounds like a cool crossover. Well, except for Penny Arcade...

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Could be worse, could have been Ctrl Alt Delete instead.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

I don't know man, I'd pay big money to see Heavy have a miscarriage



If it is a card game, I predict one of the Sam and Max ones will be Banang, somehow. Telltale just loves that running gag.


... So is Telltale games on Valve time or something?


At this point, I think everyone's making the move towards that. Who wouldn't?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


September 02, 2010, 08:18:40 PM #11 Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 08:23:38 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Telltale has been subscribing to the Valve Time model since Tales of Monkey Island. Although technically they are a California based company so they still have some bit of time left, I guess.

Edit: In the time I took to post that someone found this on their website. It's a Poker Game, oh well.


September 02, 2010, 08:48:45 PM #12 Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 09:37:33 PM by UHMEEEEBA
Steam Page. It's dirt cheap but that's really all it's got going for it, sorry for stirring up speculation by posting this to begin with.

Edit: Press Release


Just try to keep things peaceful.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

I'm not surprised because

A) The cards in the trailer are a dead giveaway
B) Telltale made a Texas Hold Em game a while back

I'll probably buy it because its piss ass cheap, plus its HEAVY AND STRONG BAD PLAYING POKER