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MSPA Thread

Started by Jango, January 07, 2011, 01:45:52 AM

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January 07, 2011, 01:45:52 AM Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 03:04:13 AM by Jango
I figure Spam Thread's been getting enough MSPA rants from me/UHMEEEEBA/whoever so I'm going to start a new thread about it.

First item of the day, Jade Shirt is out. But fuck that. The Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff T-Shirt is getting a second run. And just to fuck with everyone who bought it the first run (as I did), they REPRINTED IT SO THAT IT ACTUALLY GLOWNS IN THE DARK. Now I have to buy the black one this time around for the complete effect.


Tyrannosaurus Reich

i'm reading homestuck and so far its really good

but god damn this motherfucker is like 2000 pages long, i got a LOT of catching up to do

Brandy Bogard

Quote from: Tyrannosaurus Reich on January 11, 2011, 11:18:34 AM
i'm reading homestuck and so far its really good

but god damn this motherfucker is like 2000 pages long, i got a LOT of catching up to do



Hussie's gone on a record saying the present Act will be longer than the entirety of Problem Sleuth, so yeah.

Tyrannosaurus Reich

Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on January 11, 2011, 12:15:29 PM
Hussie's gone on a record saying the present Act will be longer than the entirety of Problem Sleuth, so yeah.


January 12, 2011, 04:32:29 AM #6 Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 04:41:56 AM by Jango
That's not so bad. I breezed through Problem Sleuth in one day, and that shit was confusing as hell to read. At least the storyline is a lot more streamlined here.


[spoiler=actual spoilers]Also how the hell is SBaHJ getting updated? Davesprite, who took over for Dave kicked the bucket in Jade: Enter, and I find it hard to believe that Alpha Dave is in the right mindset to even want to make the comic at this point. Although I guess with all the time-hopping, it's already been a few days for him, so I guess he's cooled down.[/spoiler]

Also Hussie confirmed new flash animation coming in the next few days. Get ready for WEIRD PLOT SHIT. I bet $10 that Vriska dies






That would explain why the Western Zodiac is shit and Chinese is superior.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Cool, now I have an excuse to get my second-favorite Troll's symbol tattoo'ed on me.


Well anything based on star positions will become invalid after a few thousand years not just the western Zodiac.


I'm still a Taurus.

What a piece of fucking shit. Chinese is still superior to your gaijin buttfucking bullshit.

Just try to keep things peaceful.