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The Type Moon Fan

Started by Neon_Tiger, July 17, 2006, 07:51:39 PM

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At this rate you might as well give him a custom rank of "Pimp".


Just try to keep things peaceful.



Of course he doesn't exist.  Everybody knows Jesuszilla = Jesus + Godzilla.  Therefore, there can be no such thing because Jesus would not do it with Godzilla, and neither of them are female, so...


March 20, 2007, 08:12:58 AM #20 Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 02:05:06 PM by The Justice
Didn't Godzilla repoduce asexually in one of the more recent ones anyways?

Having looked through my recovered logs, I realized I missed at least one channel entry about it him.

Quoteession Ident: #badassSTUFF
[19:20] * Now talking in #badassSTUFF
[19:20] * Topic is 'AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA = http://img482.imageshack.us/img482/1715/zidane4pm.gif | http://trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=204.msg806'
[19:20] * Set by Model-Z on Thu Jul 13 17:29:10
[19:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Neon_Tiger
[19:20] <Kung_Fu_Man> Hey Neon.
[19:20] <Neon_Tiger> Hey.
[19:20] <Vans|Busy> Hey
[19:23] <Vans|Busy> wow
[19:23] <TMasta> Hey
[19:23] <Vans|Busy> Accurate axis on terry makes him looks like he's "floating"
[19:23] <Neon_Tiger> Well then it sounds like accuracy sucks in that case.
[19:24] * Kung_Fu_Man is now known as KFM-Away
[19:24] <Vans|Busy> Well.
[19:24] <Vans|Busy> It really depends on the stages.
[19:24] <Vans|Busy> He looks like he floats in mine. :P
[19:25] <Neon_Tiger> Then it sounds like a Zoffset issue or something.
[19:25] <Vans|Busy> Not really, he's the only one that presents that issue.
[19:26] <Neon_Tiger> Then his sprites might be a pixel or too high.
[19:26] <Neon_Tiger> Seems like the only logical answer.
[19:26] <Vans|Busy> *opens kof03*
[19:27] <Neon_Tiger> What works in kof03 might not in Mugen.
[19:27] <Neon_Tiger> 100 % Accuracy sometimes cannot be achived, or something.
[19:27] <Vans|Busy> Meh
[19:27] <Vans|Busy> He floats in KOF03 too.
[19:28] <Neon_Tiger> More anti Jesus Weaponry from you know who: http://www.wakachan.org/os/src/1153040526831.jpg
[19:29] <Vans|Busy> LOL
[19:41] <Fox_McCloud> http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/3944/poolsclosedhh1.jpg
[19:42] <Neon_Tiger> ... uh what?
[19:42] <Neon_Tiger> I don't get it.
[19:45] <Fox_McCloud> It is, apparantly, the last fad fourthing ever had.  'Cause now it's dead.
[19:45] <Neon_Tiger> I thought they fixed it?
[19:46] <Neon_Tiger> Unless that ass TM Fan is lying, which wouldn't be the first time...
[19:46] <Neon_Tiger> Ya know, for shorthand, I shall hence forth call him TMF.

I could make some witty comment but I've got nothing besides that being the first usage of the phrase TMF.



Who?  The pointy-eared girl?  *snicker*


No, that's a generic injoke floor response to insults, as such.

Hey, how do I integrate this?
You MOM integrates that.
That's what she said!

I never really understood it but, meh, it leads to less shouting than Spartacus.



No, Spartacus. It predates the 300 movie.



We don't care about Sparta.

Now, Spartacus, we care about.


Weird, as one of my friends says "That's what she said," as well.

Just try to keep things peaceful.