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Nintendo 3DS recieves an $80 price slash

Started by UHMEEEEBA, July 28, 2011, 11:42:07 AM

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I wouldnt mind the battery thing if the addon was like a rumble pack or something, where you dont need it for gameplay at all. But since you need it for gameplay... No, just no.


September 13, 2011, 10:09:25 AM #17 Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 11:38:14 AM by Fox McCloud
So, Nintendo's scaling back on the 3D angle, and adding a second circle stick to appease third parties...

...In what way is the 3DS not useless again?  Oh right, the remakes and the ton of Mario games.



September 14, 2011, 12:59:41 PM #19 Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 01:37:50 PM by UHMEEEEBA
I think his point was there's jack shit on the 3DS but Mario and ports right now, so unless you REALLY like Mario or REALLY like games you've played but in 3D it ain't got much going on for it right now.

Sure it's got some new titles announced but not much to warrant purchasing it now especially when it's pretty much a given at this point the first redesign will have a second stick. When that comes out is anyone's guess maybe a year, maybe two, but it will happen and people who haven't bought one yet are probably going to wait.


Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on September 14, 2011, 12:59:41 PM
Sure it's got some new titles announced but not much to warrant purchasing it now especially when it's pretty much a given at this point the first redesign will have a second stick. When that comes out is anyone's guess maybe a year, maybe two, but it will happen and people who haven't bought one yet are probably going to wait.
That's actually what I'm gonna do too. :-X


Nintendo's marketing staff needs to reevaluate their campaign.



October 24, 2011, 06:52:51 AM #23 Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 06:55:34 AM by Jmorphman
Quote from: UHMEEEEBA on October 22, 2011, 09:48:39 PM

Nintendo's marketing staff needs to reevaluate their campaign.
But Hulu!

i can just use the free version right

EDIT: why does reggie want me to record my brother sleeping D:


The PS Vita is probably going to be able to do that and more. I dunno, to me, it just makes more sense to wait for the Vita than to get a 3DS. 3DS is, more or less, the same tripe we've seen before, barely any improvement over the last model. It will lose to Android and iOS devices for obvious reasons.

The Vita, on the other hand, while still a gaming-exclusive device, makes such an improvement over its predecessor that it is probably going to be the fucking salvation of handheld gaming that it needs if it wants to remain a viable part of the industry. While we can just wait and see how the device can handle first person shooters like Call of Duty (which I shouldn't have to remind you is the main genre of focus of the present-day industry), I dare anybody to even try to come up with one for the iPhone or 3DS that doesn't feel like completely unnatural shit. It's a waste of time and money for development; a waste of time, money and resources to produce; and it's a waste of time for the ignorant, idiotic consumer who gets their hands on the product, whether they bought it or not (time's the most valuable resource it is— you can't get it back.).

Does the 3DS offer new options that the previous hardware didn't have? Sure. Is the 3DS an improvement over the previous hardware? Absolutely. But does it truly offer anything new to handheld gaming devices? No. I honestly don't see it. 3D doesn't really do anything new for the games that I haven't seen before. Maybe it's because the genius with the right idea hasn't come along to truly take advantage of the new hardware to do something UNIQUE, but until that actually happens, I just don't see the point.

You could argue the same for the PS Vita, that the market is just over-saturated with first person shooters and the like, but where the PS Vita truly excels is that it is economically efficient for both the consumer and developer. For the consumer, it's region free, has access to the entire library of PSN, and if you buy a game on PSN, you get it for PS3. For the developer, all sales are done on PSN, so there's no cost to manufacture on discs or cartridges. That also rolls back to the consumer, because they won't have to be charged for the cost of the manufacture of those discs, so games will be cheaper.

So, PS Vita is more powerful, offers things that the consumer likes, and has a game for pretty much everyone at launch, what's not to love? It's simply the wiser choice.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


October 24, 2011, 03:10:10 PM #25 Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 03:12:03 PM by Jango
But does the PS Vita have a 3D POKEDEX?! I THINK NOT.

J/K, that's what my friend who bought a 3DS on Quibids said to convince me to upgrade from a DS. See no reason so far.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on October 24, 2011, 12:06:18 PM
So, PS Vita is more powerful, offers things that the consumer likes, and has a game for pretty much everyone at launch, what's not to love? It's simply the wiser choice.
but it doesnt have the pokemons or the marios


October 28, 2011, 12:20:16 PM #27 Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 12:29:34 PM by Fox McCloud
I'll repost my thoughts from another forum.  Edited to fit ridiculous word filter standards.

The only thing I fear with the entirety of the 3DS as well as Nintendo's future is that they run a serious risk of becoming irrelevant as wel as non-existant at the speed of which hasn't been seen since the Virtual Boy.

The DS?  It was mostly bought by the same casual gamers who now mostly own iPhones and similar devices.  As was the Wii, and we know how much Kinect totally failed what with it still being hawked by Microsoft and not in a desperate tone.  The Wii U isn't going to turn heads, the 3DS is failing to turn heads like it should, the Wii ended up seriously damaging their core user base, which Nintendo of America continues to essentially ignore, and this is the first fiscal year that Nintendo has NOT made a profit.  EVER.  Oh, Nintendo is hurting right now.  

What I mean by damaging their core user base are things like the Wii itself being declared both a "shovelware platform" and "casual", the fiasco with Other M, Nintendo's emphasis on peripherals, Operation Rainfall, and what seems to be an overall lack of caring from Nintendo itself what the core gamers think of their system or their approach.  The good games for the Wii are few and hard to come by, while every other console, even the 360, manages 2 great titles worth owning for every 1 Nintendo has.

And that's what I think will possibly be the Achilles' heel of the Wii U.  Why would anybody bother buying a new system for a small sector of games on a platform whose name is associated with both a bad smell and casual shovelware?  In the face of a deteriorating worldwide economy, even?

The simple fact of the matter is that Nintendo seems a bit too focused on forced gimmicks (Waggling and touch screens actually proved their concepts, so they're excluded), and that this is putting a stranglehold on their status as a gaming company.  They want to do something just plain better, but they can't because their hands are tied behind their back as far as gaming concepts go.  Star Fox and F-Zero wouldn't have worked on a Wii Remote, and Nintendo had to show off the primary features of their system.  3D is ultimately a truly useless feature that adds only a marginal experience as the games have to be designed to be playable without it, and with all the work Nintendo did on standardizing the Wii U, a touch screen on the controller is simply out of place, and will only be used by the platform's games at a niche level.

The worst part is: They might not be able to do anything about it.  In fact, the upcoming games from them might be worse off than they originally hoped.  That's not to say the profit loss will affect Skyward Sword and titles similarly close to release,  but Kid Icarus: Uprising, Luigi's Mansion 2, and such? ...Yeah, it might just affect where Nintendo needs to drive the point home.  Simply put, Nintendo runs a serious risk of becoming the next Sega.  By that, I mean "Sonic Heroes" Sega.


On a somewhat related note Nintendo just announced that at E3 2012 they'll show off the *finished* Wii U, and claim they're taking the lessons from the 3DS's launch to heart.

The real problem with the 3DS is that the massive casual crowd the DS had has since migrated to Smart Phones. Jesus did a fairly good job of explaining the problem so scroll up if you haven't read it.

It is a bit surprising they're still predicting an end year loss even with a Zelda game. Really goes to show how hosed the economy is.


October 30, 2011, 12:44:22 AM #29 Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 12:49:39 AM by Jesuszilla
Wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo went the route of SEGA eventually because let's be honest, all Nintendo's got going for it, much like SEGA realized near the end of its run, is its console exclusives. Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, and whatever the next series they neglected for about a decade and are going to magically pay attention to again is (like Metroid was for the Gamecube and Wii; $2 says it's Kid Icarus).

Just try to keep things peaceful.