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Patches for all of Warusaki's chars (MUST have latest update before use!)

Started by Jesuszilla, October 08, 2011, 06:43:32 PM

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Since Warusaki's retirement, I decided to patch all of his characters so that the announcer is properly enabled/disabled against creations by myself and Rolento.

In addition, there are some character-specific fixes:

Nakoruru: Fixed walking anims
Zangief: Added intro with Eagle

Get it here

Warusaki's characters can now be found here, and this link I can indeed vouch for authenticity (warehouse, but after discussion, we chose not to do host his works ourselves). This new link has the first version of patches applied.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Updated, fixed the super issue in Nakoruru plus King's Trap Shot bug in A-Groove.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



Changes since last:

All chars: Fixed the bug in survival where the intro pops up on the lose screen.

Character-specific fixes:
Benimaru: Added intro against Kyo by Vans
Captain Commando: Added intro against Iori by Vans, Adelheid
Chun-Li: Added intro against Iori by Vans, Adelheid
Geese: Added intro with CvS2 Andy
Kim: Added intro against Iori by Vans, Adelheid
Kyo: Added intro with Iori by Vans, Kyo by Vans
Yamazaki: Added intro against Chun-Li by Jmorphman

Hopefully that should be it for a while.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


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