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My project

Started by bg120, November 19, 2011, 12:41:12 AM

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I have just reacently started working on my first mugen project, info, sugestion posts and coments, here:http://heropowers.webs.com/


Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard




Allrigt, i have startd working on a Sesshomaru for M.U.G.E.N.           

I am sorry for not beeing_clear_enouth_but_since_i_coud_not_find_any_posts_on_any_inuyasha_characters_yet_alone_this_one_i_didint_know_where_to_
about_my_work_go_here: http://heropowers.webs.com/

Sorry any_bad_grammar_i'm_romanian_plus_i've_been_having_some_


The hell is with all those underscores?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Keyboard problem with the spacebar


Well i got most of his sprites from sprite data base that saved up a lott of time (credits go to PsihoticMarik for the sprites), got movies in, left to do on spriting, might still be missing a couple of sprites, will have to check on that, add more sword attacks, more movies, add efects.

Left to do on animations, everithing.


whats done so far:

Most of his sprites, might still be missing some, 1 movie.

next to be done:

add the sprites to animations


May 28, 2012, 03:18:20 AM #9 Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 03:50:30 PM by Jesuszilla
Hello, i have been working on this project for some time now and i know that most people are wondering when is there going to be anithing certain released(a.k. trailers, beta, etc.), well even though i have been thinking of releasing a beta version, i was reather strugling with the idea since a beta release would most certainli delai the work on a full version however seeing how people might be wiling to wait for a full version and would want something concreate before taking a beagure interest in the project, i will be subjecting this to avote via a pole.
I await your votes and coments  on this post.

Any beta realease will not represent the final version under no sircumstances and will most likeli delay the final version of the project.


I combined your last 2 posts. Please avoid double-posting.

Just try to keep things peaceful.