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Diet MegaMan Zero

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 21, 2006, 02:39:49 PM

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July 05, 2006, 01:00:06 AM #15 Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 11:04:20 AM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Diet MMZ is being played by a few people via those pirates in Hong Kong, and it is apparently one giant cameo fest.

-Hyleg Ourobockle from MegaMan Zero 2 can be seen in a tree in the intro boss battle, which is against a giant purple snake.
-One character owns ProtoMan's car from MegaMan Battle and Chase. Update: Later in the game you encounter a similar character who owns MegaMan's car, which is for those of you who forgot, Rush in a Car Form. As such the Rush X rumors are back in full force.
-Prarie's room is outfitted with various Cyber Elf dolls, and pictures of various MMZ characters including Aloutte.
-There's a similar room elsewhere with other Cyber Elf Dolls, a Leviathan one and apparently a Battle Network enemy, Swordy (OMG WTF UNIVERSE CROSSING PARADOX).
-In addition to Serpent, a random NPC looks like a cross between Sigma and Mr. X.
-Supposedly, if RZ3 or 4 is in the GBA slot, bosses from them appear in various places. I have to see any confirmation regarding this so hold this with a grain of salt. UPDATE: This information was confirmed, scroll down to the second post of mine after this.

And information regarding Model V was revealed.

[spoiler]It's Weil. Lavalamp Man, koolaid head, whatever you want to call him, it is he, and not the infinitely more badass Boba Fett look alike. It would appear that Serpent is using him for some nefarious deed.[/spoiler]

More spoilers regarding Mr. Coffee.

[spoiler]In the forth stage Serpent uses Model V, or Model W as it will be renamed in the english version, to make him go crazy and attack you. Apparently he does not fight like past incarnations of Zero. After this, he dies and turns into a Cyber Elf sort of thing, and you get Model Z, which fuses with Model X, so you cannot use Model X anymore, and must use ZX instead. X continues to get screwed even after being dead. Update: After beating the game with both characters, if you start another file you can use Model X all you want, so that is good.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]So Mr. Coffee dies? That sucks.[/spoiler]

Just try to keep things peaceful.


[spoiler]Can't say I'm surprised, he used Model Z, and Zero did have that nasty habit of dying all the time.[/spoiler]


Zero is the Tupac of bishies.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


July 05, 2006, 11:43:12 PM #19 Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 12:04:49 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
The Zero 3 and 4 boss cameos are official, information about the subject was on Famitsu and now on Capcom's official site for the game. Putting in Zero 3 or 4 in the GBA slot makes various bosses appear in certain areas, they are...

[spoiler]From Zero 3,
Chilldre Inarabitta
Blazin' Flizard
Devilbat Schilt
Deathtanz Mantisk
Yay on there not being Foxtar!

And from Zero 4,
Fenrir Lunaedge
Pegasolta Eclair (the pastry returns!)
Noble Mandrago
Sol Titanian

Beating them gives you a "Strange Stone" which looks like a Live Metal, and may be one. It should be noted that the battles for Fenrir, and Noble are in smaller looking rooms, and Sol lacks her heat wave areas now. Besides that they look fairly faithful to their original incarnations. Linkage to the Famitsu article here.

Update regarding the Strange Stone, after defeating all eight dead dudes, it appears Omega from RockMan Zero 3, appears in one area and defeating him will give you Model OX, source, Rockman PM.

For those of you who not believe me there's a link in the spoiler tag, because it also shows who is in it.


With the power to have your head put on a stick?


From what I can tell so far, the blatent rehashes go all the way to Megaman X1, because part of one of the stages has BEE COPTERS and FALLING PIECES OF HIGHWAY but no Vile.


July 08, 2006, 04:04:38 PM #22 Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 07:57:34 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
We knew about that for awhile I mentioned in the first post. There seems to be a reference to every MM Series except Legends (which makes a sense as this is apparently going to be the series which connects the two, or something...).

Edit: In a hidden section of the game the disappearing/reappearing blocks are back so the rehash goes all the way back to MegaMan 1.

Edit 2: RockMan Perfect Memories released a few of the tracks from the game and,

[spoiler]The music that plays when you fight Omega is a remix of Cannon Ball from MegaMan Zero 3, the final battle theme.

I would not be surprised if there were remixes of the normal boss themes from Zero 3 and 4 then what with the Weil Numbers and Einherjar dudes. If I recall they were titled Scrapped Beat and Nothing Beats respectively...[/spoiler]


What's the polar opposite of hotcakes? Well whatever it is, it's about as good as ZX is selling, as once again another apparent failed game in Japan alongside it's PSP counterparts.

I told you it'd suck


ZN probably'll sell just the same.  I knew Capcom had no plans to make a sequel, and due to RMRM and IHX selling about the same in Japan, they're hesitant to make sequels to those as well.

Capcom screwed up when they hit the Zero series.  They got rid of X & Zero, the most influential characters.  Now they're just background art.


I hope Rockman ZN fails TERRIBLY.

I do NOT want to see a sequel. Hell, I don't even want to see ZN itself.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


July 20, 2006, 03:35:43 PM #26 Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 04:54:39 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
1. If you read the topic about Diet Network, they renamed it again recently and it isn't called ZN apparently.

2. I would honestly be surpised if Capcom didn't try and make a sequel to this, as much as it sucks,

[spoiler]In Aile's ending he hints she is releated to Lavalamp man, or some other nasty dude.

This is the end... Serpent! I won't become like you!

Become like me?... Heh...hehhahaha! You still don't understand...? We Rockmans... created to struggle... and kill each other for Model V... are pieces in a game... In the end, the one who remains... becomes the world's ruler... We're pieces in a game that man devised!

That... man...!?

That's right...! Even in you... that man's blood is flowing! The blood of that man... who created Model V...!

Pandora and Promethus also don't die and have ulterior motives of their own regarding Model V, so I'd expect Capcom to exploit that to make a sequel.

I figured it was you two.. Prometheus! Pandora!

Well then.. this is the climax! Vent! You and Serpent... the fate of destruction in which people with power come to kill each other! Yes... all of this is to the will of Model V..!

Model V's will!? Then Serpent is...!

Live Metals are... metals with living wills... Those with weak hearts... are controlled by Live Metals...

There's no reason to keep controlling Model V like Serpent. From the beginning he was little more than a toy.

You two... have been using Serpent from the start!

...It's too late... Model V will... soon be awakened...

Keep us company for just a little bit longer, Rockman... Model ZX!

(They fight. Vent beats both of them.)

Just what are the two of you! Aren't you Serpent's partners!?

...We are... Model V's representatives...

Heh...heheheh..! If you want to know everything... fight with Model V..! You... Serpent... the people of this country... All of you will never go beyond playing the roles given to you by Model V..! (Prometheus and Pandora leave.)

Yes, Capcom could end it here. But, have you ever seen a MegaMan Series that didn't get ONE sequel? That's right you haven't even Legends got Legends 2 and that series sucked too. Only way I could see Capcom not doing it is if the game doesn't sell well in America either, which is unlikely.[/spoiler]



YES! No more terrible voice acting! Though I did like the voices in MHX and PU... Bah, who cares? SUBS! Let's just hope they don't fuck up there...

Just try to keep things peaceful.


It's really too late to hope they don't fuck up.


Quote from: Mr. Coffee on August 23, 2006, 12:00:28 AM

YES! No more terrible voice acting! Though I did like the voices in MHX and PU... Bah, who cares? SUBS! Let's just hope they don't fuck up there...

They're removing the vocals from the cutscenes AND the regular dialogue, from what I hear.