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Megaman X WIP

Started by empawk, April 25, 2012, 04:25:24 AM

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What's Left:
Wall Slide <--- Still needs to be done
Wall Slide basic punches and kicks <--- Still needs to be done
Military style combat roll <--- Still needs to be done
Power Charge Taunt <--- Still needs to be done
Intro with Megaman X4 hoverbike <--- Still needs to be done
Virus X/Nightmare X intro <--- Still needs to be done
Virus/Nightmare X taunt <--- Still needs to be done
Guard Push (Like MVC Megaman) <--- Someone has volunteered for this.
Running Forward <---- Someone has volunteered for this
Backward Air Dash <--- Still needs to be done
All Get Hit sprites (Like MVC Megaman) <--- Still needs to be done
Standing Throws (I want two of them, like MVC Hayato) <--- Still needs to be done
Standing Buster Shots <--- Still needs to be done
Air Buster Shots <--- Still needs to be done
Wall Buster Shot <--- Still needs to be done
Virus X Warp Dash <---- Someone has volunteered to do this
Gaea Armor Hyper <---- Someone has volunteered to do this
Falcon Armor Hyper <---- Someone has volunteered to do this
Ultimate Armor Hyper <---- Someone has volunteered to do this
X1 Armor Hyper <---- Someone has volunteered to do this


It took a while, but I think I finally got a decent idea for the controls, concerning X's multple angle buster shots:

Multiple Angle Buster Shots:
Press Z: Diagonal Up Buster Shot
Hold Forward+Z: Forward Buster Shot
Hold Back+Z: Vertical Buster Shot

Charge Buster:
Hold Z (2-3 seconds and it begins charging the buster): Charge Buster
Press Z: Release charged buster shot


Jesuszilla, can you code multiple angle buster shots?


Yes, it's no problem at all. Just need proper diagonal buster effects (because using angledraw would look ugly).

Just try to keep things peaceful.


May 21, 2012, 09:36:19 PM #19 Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 12:42:13 AM by empawk
Quote from: Jesuszilla on May 21, 2012, 03:46:57 PM
Yes, it's no problem at all. Just need proper diagonal buster effects (because using angledraw would look ugly).
So by proper diagonal buster effects, what exactly do you mean? Like you need me to draw the energy blasts diagonally?


Quote from: A New Challenger on May 21, 2012, 10:15:44 PM
If Z is heavy attack, then the default shouldn't be angled.

How about this?

HP - standard buster shot, chargeable
DP+P - Angled charge shot. LP = Crouch shot, MP = diagonal, HP = vertical
We could do that and I thought about that, but then I was like, there won't be room for his basic attacks then.

I want his basics to include:
3 different angle buster shots (standing)
3 different punches (standing)
3 different kicks (standing)

Ideas Basics For Standing & Dashing Controls:
Press z, z, z: Rapid Fire Buster Shot
Hold z (some seconds worth of time): Charge Buster
Press z (release quickly): Diagonal Buster Shot
Hold Forward+z: Forward Buster Shot
Hold Back+z: Vertical Buster Shot
F, F, z: Dash Buster Shot
F, F, y: Dash Medium Punch
F, F, x: Dash Light Punch
B, B, z: Backward Dash Buster Shot
B, B, a: Backward Dash Light Kick
B, B, a: Backward Dash Medium Kick
B, B, b: Backward Dash Heavy Kick
Press x: Light Punch (Press X again to perform another light punch with other hand)
y: Medium Punch
a: Light Kick
b: Medium Kick
c: Heavy Kick
x+y: Throw
y+z: Throw
a+b: Throw
b+c: Throw
Z Saber: Alternate attacks when basics can't reach, the Z Saber moves will be used in place of basic punches and kicks


Quote from: empawk on May 21, 2012, 09:36:19 PM
Quote from: Jesuszilla on May 21, 2012, 03:46:57 PM
Yes, it's no problem at all. Just need proper diagonal buster effects (because using angledraw would look ugly).
So by proper diagonal buster effects, what exactly do you mean? Like you need me to draw the energy blasts diagonally?

Also I'm not fond of the idea of using Z-saber just because... it's X. He can be awesome on his own without having to resort to Zero's weapons.

I'd like to pitch an idea I was going to implement in Forte (regarding multi-directional shots):

QCF+P: Pull out X buster
HP: Fire shot (can be done up to 3 times)
Can control direction of buster shot in 5 directions (B,UB,U,UF,F) (because down would be utterly useless). There will only need to be 3 unique animations (for switching between forward and back, he can just turn)
any K: Cancel

Whether or not you want to implement other weapons with using the X buster is up to you; though it'd be nice to have ideas of what other useful, UNIQUE weapons to use.

Also what I'm going to need is basic animations added to SFF (that includes walking) and attacks, properly aligned. I'll be glad to align the initial stance sprite and turning animation (since this is important to get correct). I'll also need a basic palette done, nice and organized (since this is original, it should be easy  :P).

Also, Zero-Sennin should be joining us on the project.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


i told you emp its better for a coder to have animations to work with lol  ;)
Mugen or Nothin


May 27, 2012, 10:45:55 PM #23 Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 12:05:23 AM by empawk

Standing Idle (Old)

Standing Idle (Most current attempt)


June 04, 2012, 11:38:32 AM #24 Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 05:06:17 AM by empawk
Here's the link to updated sprite sheet, in case anyone wants to do some work on anything. Let me know what you're doing to avoid any redundant work.


Anything circled in red has not been revamped. Sprites at the bottom that obviously haven't been revamped have not been circled because they are just there for references, concerning poses.


It's impossible to tell any details because Mediafire has heavily shrunken the image down to where the sprites are indecipherable.


Quote from: Fox McCloud on June 07, 2012, 12:51:11 AM
It's impossible to tell any details because Mediafire has heavily shrunken the image down to where the sprites are indecipherable.
Try downloading it and see if it still acts funny. I set it up for download and never meant for it to be viewed virtually.


I downloaded it and viewed without any issue.

Things are shaping up quite nicely, though I don't like the expression on his face on the multi-directional X Buster sprites (looks too happy).

Just try to keep things peaceful.


daraku has joined the sprite team as our GFX guy. He'll be handling effects for our MVC Megaman X. He'll be spriting the effects in CVS style. It should look really good when he's done. I currently don't have any examples of his work for you guys. Maybe he'll post it when he has some. :)
