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Fox's Review: R-Type Final

Started by Fusion, August 11, 2006, 06:28:14 PM

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August 11, 2006, 06:28:14 PM Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 10:58:59 PM by Lavalamp Man
No screenshots, just watch this video I recorded for it.  It's not a vocal review, though...
Or this if you want to see the final boss

R-Type Final, the last of the R-Type Series as a whole.  Concludes it pretty well, in my opinion.

Graphics: See how well they look in the motion picture format?  Imagine well done CGI on a PS2 rendered in real-time.  You get the picture.  The game's as beautiful and you'd have expected to see THESE kinds of graphics on the GameCube years ago!  It's a wonder this game never saw a GameCube appearance, probably would've ran full-speed (the game suffers from slowdown problems when the screen fills with enemies).  At least the 5th stage of the game has an awesome graphical effect that never falters.  The water ripple effects are realistic as well, somewhat made use in the final levels to depict a scene of a man and woman falling in love with each other in the last level before you fight the Bydo Core.

Sound: Absolutely beautiful.  IREM did their best here.  Music's typical R-Type style, only a bit darker.  The music picks up in certain spots, and changes when certain enemies appear.  A song by the Blue Man Group also plays at the ending, which in my opinion somewhat ruins the theme of the game, but at least it's not voiced.

Gameplay: Why not watch the videos?  I didn't have a hard time crushing the boss or any of the enemies at all.