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Iori Yagami from King of Fighters 99

Started by devilgenemugen, January 29, 2013, 06:17:40 AM

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January 29, 2013, 06:17:40 AM Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 06:24:55 AM by devilgenemugen
Hi, this is my first Mugen character that I am currently making. The process is slow as I have much to learn in order to create him as accurate as he is from his source game King of Fighters 99, meaning all the gameplay system from there except the striker system, I will add if I have more experience in coding. Here are the screenshots:

Right now as you can see, only the requirement animations are in. i will be using Kn's Kyo and Vans's Iori as a base reference if possible ;) I will update this thread when I have more progress, wish me luck ;)

XGargoyle: Neogeo Sprite Ripping Tutorial
Cyanide: Narutorial
Kong - For his sprite rips
Sudake - For his sound rips
Koopakoot - His lazy man method tutorial of adding collision boxes and easy aligning axis
Vans - KOF Artmoney table, KOF Data Tutorial and allowing me to use his Iori as Study Guide and Reference
Kn - For creating Kyo and making him open source ;)


It's really interesting that you're making the '99 version of him. I haven't seen much '99 characters, let alone accurate version. Good luck on this, I hope to see it completed. :P



The striker system will be added if I have more experience in coding ;) I plan to add all kof99 characters as the striker, player can change their striker preference from a config file but that will be made after I have created many characters :P


Good luck on this project. If you need a hand with anything, just post it here and I'll help you out.  :iori:

Click Here.



March 09, 2013, 10:46:18 AM #7 Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 10:48:13 AM by devilgenemugen
Hi everyone, sorry that I might be temporary not working on Iori for about 1 year because of my school works. My country is a stressful country, everything need independent work so I have much things to catch up in my school works. I hope that I will come back and work on Iori once I am comfortable with my school course or during holiday at the end of this year which is a very long time :( sorry to disappoint all of you who are hopping for my work but I promise I will come back and work on this Iori again. i will be checking out the tutorials especially Koopakoot's, doing a little experiments on it and asking questions from time to time :)


We're all getting busy lately, so it's not a problem.  :sho:

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March 09, 2013, 06:11:46 PM #9 Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 06:14:24 PM by devilgenemugen
Yea, but is is sad that I have not contributed anything and stop halfway :(


It took me a year to get the first version of Felicia ready, so yeah.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Some progress is better then no progress. It took me 8 months on and off to make Mai. Things happen IRL and there's nothing that can be done about it. Aside from pushing through and getting to a point where you can do what you like/want. I wish you luck in your endeavors.


Thanks, I may come back this December, school holiday :iori: