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Started by DivineWolf, December 08, 2012, 09:06:09 PM

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December 08, 2012, 09:06:09 PM Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 10:08:26 PM by DivineWolf

Get him in my folder.



Sagat updated:

- Scar FX fixed for vs Ryu intro(thanks Froz)
- ID/Numtarget functions added to the first hit of Tiger Storm(thanks Zzyzzyxx)
- Shadow adjusted a bit to give it a better look
- Tiger Bluff techniques are now optional(refer to ReadMe for info)
- c.HP is no longer command cancellable



Sagat updated:

-Tiger Storm tweaked to be more solid. I LITERALLY used it against every char in my main roster for testing the tweaks. 80+ chars and it works on them all. I'm not gonna say it's 100% now, but it's a lot more refined than initially.
-Extra pals added by Goodaldo and 20S.



Sagat updated:

-Tiger Storm tweaked
-Various animations times tweaked
-A few clsns tweaks
-Second hit of all standing kicks are no longer special/super/command cancellable
-c.HK is no longer special/super cancellable
-c.HK now puts p2 in a "hard knockdown"(unable to recover) custom state(thanks Kamekaze)


December 27, 2012, 06:48:27 PM #4 Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 06:56:40 PM by DivineWolf

Sagat updated:

-Max cancelling before Lv1 (Ground)Tiger Cannon has been fired fixed.



Sagat updated:

-Tiger Uppercut damage values tweaked
-Tiger Storm updated(thanks to Mr. Infinite for the assist with coding p2's custom states)
-Energy FX added to Tiger Shot/Tiger Cannon firing frames (thanks again Mr. Infinite)



Sagat updated:

-Tweaked anim times for 1st hit of Tiger Storm so that it's not so safe on block


Think the ending to Tiger Storm needs small edits so that he shakes while charging up the projectile. Looks odd as it is right now with no movement, and editing an actual shake to the anim (read: don't just shift pixels) shouldn't be too hard.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


You suggesting adding some envshake to it...? IDK... :-\ I'll see how it looks.


No, not envshake. I mean have him shake in the animation while he's charging.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


January 08, 2013, 02:40:47 PM #10 Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 03:15:47 PM by DivineWolf
And how do I go about doing that? Duplicating that frame several times, giving each frame different alignment offsets in the animation?


Maybe you're suggesting using posadd or something. Either way, while I appreciate the suggestion, I'll more than likely not do this. Personally, I have no problem with it and felt all of what was added/suggested to it currently to be superfluous. It has energy fx/sound fx and everything now during that portion, along with the camera not following p2 up. I don't feel the shaking nessecary at all.


No not posadd. I mean just tiny sprite edits to make him shake while he's charging up, sorta like Denjin Hadouken.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on January 08, 2013, 04:45:15 PM
No not posadd. I mean just tiny sprite edits to make him shake while he's charging up, sorta like Denjin Hadouken.

^LOL whut?! Bro, I can't sprite edit ANYTHING. Seriously, and am not even going to attempt to try. I've already done this once, tried to edit Mai's air throw attempt anim way back when... It's over. That's not happening at all. Please don't tell me.. "it's not that difficult", because it actually is to me. I can't do it. If you're willing to help with that, I'd glady add it in. But, you can forget trying to "encourage" me to attempt it. Not happening. :P