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Roster thread

Started by James, February 01, 2013, 02:23:53 PM

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Well, I guess people can post their rosters here. Rate,recommend and discuss.

I prefer small rosters, since it makes MUGEN load faster and there isn't too many balance issues.


February 07, 2013, 03:22:09 AM #1 Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 05:54:51 AM by KoopaKoot
That seems way too small. Hold up, let me post what my roster looks like.


It's a total mess. I don't have the patience to tidy it up. I just add characters to the end.

Click Here.


February 07, 2013, 08:51:08 AM #2 Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 09:11:44 AM by devilgenemugen

Below are reserved for my kof creations :iori:


Quote from: KoopaKoot on February 07, 2013, 03:22:09 AM
That seems way too small. Hold up, let me post what my roster looks like.


It's a total mess. I don't have the patience to tidy it up. I just add characters to the end.
Aside from ahuron's Shin and his conversion of Akane Inuwaka from AH2, along with kishio's Miduma, there isn't much in the way of balance issues to speak of. Heck, even my own Len edit is reasonably balanced.(I keep an eye out for any issues with Scarlet) I don't keep characters unless,
A)I've learned or I am learning how to play as them

B)They hold some sort of value in my roster.

I occasionaly re-add Melvana's "Alter Amiba" for some laughs. As for your roster, I'll have to get back with you later for a review.

You have a lot of versions of Iori, DGM 0_o
As a question though, why are the icons also used in place of the big portraits?


Quote from: James on February 07, 2013, 10:26:58 AM
You have a lot of versions of Iori, DGM 0_o
As a question though, why are the icons also used in place of the big portraits?
To make more spaces for my kof creations as I may be making more of it :iori:


Yes, there are more good SNK creations than there are Capcom, hence the smaller roster.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



It's coming along but, taking my time adding fun custom ports.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


My last final select screen, hopefully:



Where's the variety? :what:


lol I use these characters most often ::) I have got another one which have got more variety but is in progress on making  ;)

Brandy Bogard



Just try to keep things peaceful.