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Interactive KOF Character Tutorial

Started by KoopaKoot, February 07, 2013, 04:09:34 PM

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I think it would be a good idea to make a character tutorial for those who may be interested.

This tutorial will explain the main parts of creating a kof character. For this tutorial, I will be creating Kyo 98 but with the system that I use for my newer characters.

This tutorial will be covering:

-Sff making: Sprite alignment and get hits will be the main part of this section.
-Air making: The main part of this section will be non required get hit anims
-Getting Data: Will be explaining how to use artmoney and how to put that data into code
-Coding: This part is self explanatory.

Are there any other things that anyone would like me to go over? I'll be sure to explain how everything (that I know how to do) is done.

-Sff making part 1: Getting the sprites.

For this section you will need:


Now this wasn't going to be part of the tutorial, considering all the 2D KOF characters should be ripped by now. But it's a good thing to know how it's done is case of mishaps, such as sprites missing from the set that you have or sprites with potential color loss. In this part we will explain how to solve the latter. Unfortunately it will take a bit of time.

KoopaKoot secret tip No:1: "It's always a good idea to know as much about the character you are making before you start on them."

So as mentioned in the first post, this tutorial will be using Kyo 98 as the example character. So let's get his sprites already! Luckily Kong ripped all the KOF character sprites from 94-2003. You can get them from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?84orz89rc78zg

Normally the rips are very useful, but there is a problem with Kyo's. Most characters in KOF use 16 colours on their sprites. Some characters have extra layers on their sprites to give them a higher color count (Jhun, pre 99 Ralf and Clark, Chang are a few examples). But generally, when you check a character's sprites, they should have 15 colours for the sprite + the transparency color.

But as you can see, we have a problem here. The above screen was a sprite I ripped myself and it seems to be missing a color. The problem is that Kyo's default palette uses the same color index (0,0,0) for 2 parts. The solution? Rip him with an alternate palette.

In winkawaks (will be known as kawaks from now on) go to, "Game, NeoGeo Settings, Debug Dipswitches and tick dip 1,1 (top left box)" this will activate the debug viewer. This will display a character using player 1's palette. The first character is Kyo more often than not.

To control the debug object, hold the coin button. The directions will move the character, a will change to the next animation, b will change to the previous animation, c will change to the next character and d will change to the previous character. This only work when the coin button is held. It's a good idea to move the debug object so that the character is facing right and that they away from the screen edges. It would also help to save your state using F5 in case you move the debug object while ripping.

Next we need to clear everything so that only the debug object is visible. We can do this in kawaks.  Go to "tools, shot factory and then deselect everything but the debug object (you may have to do this more than once).

Once that's done, you can cycle through the anims and capture each frame. When you pause kawaks, you can frame step by holding left shift and then tapping the space bar, this way you wont miss anything. To take a screenshot in kawaks is ctrl+alt+p

I believe there is a way to rip the sprites using animget, but I'm not 100% on that.

Now you should be able to start ripping. This concludes part one. Part two should be ready tomorrow.

Click Here.


Some of Kong's sprite rips have missing frame like his Iori99 when I was building his sff, it is advise to use winkawaks to observe the missing frame and rip it from there


-Sff making part 2: Sff making and get hits

If you ripped the sprites yourself like this or downloaded Kong's rips, these sprites will be "uncropped." The best part about uncropped rips is that they will have the same axis for ALL sprites. Even for those sprites where it seems like the character is walking off axis, this is still CORRECT.

To get an alignment shot, all you have to do is rip a sprite with the clsn visible:
For KOF 94-2002 go to, "Game, NeoGeo Settings, Debug Dipswitches and tick dip 1,2"
For KOF 2003 go to, "Game, NeoGeo Settings, Debug Dipswitches and tick dip 1,4"

Use the small crosshair to align this sprite. The alignment of the above shot is x = 158, y = 172

Here's how it looks in fighter factory

Since I got this alignment shot before I started ripping, it is also the same as the sprites that I ripped. If it's not the same, use onion skin to view the alignment shot and then make sure that your sprite lines up with it.

Now you are ready to make the sff. Here are the numbers I use for the unique KOF get hit frames:

5052: Spinning Hit
5075: tripped
5101: Hit and bounce off the ground face first
5121: Get off the ground from lying face down
5900: Flying to wall
5910: Guard break/throw escape
5950: Collapse
5970: Blue Mary arm lock
5975: Blue Mary leg lock

Numbers 5900-5975 are trivial though so long as you use those numbers for the animations. I just like the consistency.  :sho:

This concludes the sff segment of this tutorial. I'm assuming that you already know the basics, like setting up palettes and indexing sprites.

The next part will begin once I finish the sff. :P

There will be a special section after the main tutorial explaining how to align CROPPED rips  :D

Click Here.


I guess I might want to remake my :iori:'s sff since it is quite messy especially the gethits :P and will follow your method since my method is pretty long winded :P One question about your Kyo, which HSDM do you intend to add for your Kyo? From King of Fighters 2002 um's Kyo-1 or Kyo 2 or your custom made up?


I was think 524 Shiki: Kami Gomi to help out with...something else.

Click Here.


When I was adding sprites that have jump animation, I can't seems to align them well even I use the first stance sprite axis to align them. I need to adjust the axis for the jump sprites which is pretty tiring. What I did was to rip all the jump sprites with their axis:

then I add it to my sff. Next, I add my jump sprite without the axis and align them one by one which gives me an accurate axis but it takes quite a while if the character have lots of jumping action sprites. For some sprites, I can't align them well even if I rip the sprite with its axis such as sprite 5160,0:

and I get this:

so I use Vans's iori_wls's axis since he allow me to use his work: http://www.trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=2539.0 and the sprite 5160,0 works perfectly. I am not sure are there any practical way to actually align this sprite accurately without using other creator's axis?


It looks like he's sinking. Did you change the landing trigger to Vel Y + Pos Y >= 0?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


It looks like it's Vans' Iori that did the throw. Bounce states have always been a mess in mugen.

We make those bounce anims (5160-5162) 20 or so pixels high right?

Click Here.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


February 24, 2013, 09:28:34 AM #9 Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 09:30:27 AM by devilgenemugen
I see, I also adjust it with sprite 5101,1 and 5101,2. Thanks for the hint ;)


Forgive the lateness of this part. There are too many things on the mind. Most of which ARE mugen related and this tutorial is a good way to get everything covered.

Part 2: AIR Making

Now this can be the longest part of character creation. I recommend you have some music or a good podcast to listen to. It really helps. First things first, you need a program to make the .air file. Of course you could just use notepad, but I'm guessing that would take a longer time than most of the dedicated programs we have now. I personally use Fighter Factory Classic. I would suggest that newer creators get used to fighter factory 3. Here is some info that may interest you regarding Fighter Factory:

How clsns appear in FF isn't accurate to how they appear in mugen. Clsn made in FF will be drawn 1 pixel lower and one pixel to the right in mugen. I believe mcm and the latest FF3 show clsn correctly. However this isn't usually a problem if you add sprites with clsn in order to trace. A bit of a moot point when you can get perfect clsn, but it's always good to know. For those times when you don't have axis to the clsn viewer (nbc/kof xi and higher).

So as previously mentioned, the way to get clsn right is by adding frames with clsn visible to the sff, then tracing over them. Some of us have different....methods of getting clsn but this is the one that works for all. For get hits, I suggest using correct clsns (I know most of my characters don't) just because there are some things that won't work right with incorrect get hit clsns

In terms of animation timings, get them in game and not from the debug viewer as they tend to be different. To get the correct timings, pause kawaks and use l shift + spacebar to frameskip. If you are getting timings from a console game, you can make a 60fps video. pcsx2 can do this regardless of the speed the game runs on your pc (hold a direction during the end of a move, so you can see the correct last frame (in case the last frame is the same as the first frame of the character stance)).

For some moves, it's sometimes best to split the animation up into parts. For example, Kyo's oniyaki. You should make the landing part separate from when he jumps (this seems obvious) but you may also want to separate it into 3 parts (startup, jumping attack, landing). Because mugen is dumb, sometimes a move with an autoguard frame will cause problems regarding the combo counter, so I would split up the part with the autoguard from the rest of the move. 

Because of how the bounce states work in mugen, I would suggest moving the bouce frames (5160 etc) up by 20 pixels. You can override the bounce states (in fact I will make sure that you do (for another reason)) but I think it's best just to do it the way it's done now. I feel like it's too late to change something like that now.

There are a few non required anims that are used in KOF, check out an existing character to see what numbers they use. This will be great for consistency.

This concludes the AIR making tutorial. If you have any information that can be added or questions regarding things I may have missed, feel free to post.

Click Here.


I believe it's time to continue this tutorial. Unfortunately this is gonna be mostly theory as the character I was using for this tutorial isn't ready for this stage yet. But I'm sure if you've been following you'll be able to understand. :)

Part 3-1:  Coding. Constants and Overrides

This is common mugen info but lets go over it once more. You'll have to set the player variables for the character. For [Data] you may want to add "Power = 5000" if you feel like you need to. You may also want to lower airjuggle as you won't be needing it.

For [Size] change ground.back/front to 15 and air.back/front to 12. For head.pos and mid.pos, I would recommend using sprite 5010,0 to get these. My reasoning is that most moves that have the player bound to an opponent's head use this sprite. Also the head position is usually closer to the position the character's head is during their stance than any other get hit sprite. for head.pos try to make it so the position is the top of the players head. I recommend using Scal's Chris or Clark to check to see if  head.pos is correct (mid.pos is somewhat less important lol).

[Velocity] and [Movement] will be explained in the artmoney section of this tutorial.

Now for overrides. I don't really wanna explain each one of these, but I guess I have no choice.

State 0. Remove all that silly vel stuff. Having your character sliding around while neutral is unnecessary. Do they same for states 10 and 11

I'll explain the jump states in the artmoney section as well

For the run/back dash states, I would split those into 3 parts. Start, dash, and end. Here are some examples:

[Statedef 100]
type    = S
physics = S
anim = 99+var(1)*30000
ctrl = 0
velset = 0
sprpriority = 1

[State 220,2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 101

[Statedef 101]
type    = S
physics = N
anim = 100+var(1)*30000
ctrl = 0
velset = 0
sprpriority = 1

[State -3, dash]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 1
value = 2+(var(32)*10),8
loop = 1
channel = 27

[State 100, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = 1
x = const(velocity.run.fwd.x)

[State 100, 2] ;Prevent run from canceling into walk
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = NoWalk

[State 100, 3] ;Prevent from turning
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = NoAutoTurn

[State 100, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = !time && prevstateno != 102
var(26) = 0

[State 100, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = time > 10
var(26) = 1

[State 220,2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = command = "holdup"
value = 40

[State 100, GoToCrouch]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time > 9
trigger1 = Command = "holddown" && Command != "holdfwd"
value = 15

[State 101, 6]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time > 9
trigger1 = command != "holdfwd"
value = 102

[Statedef 102]
type    = S
physics = S
anim = 101+var(1)*30000
ctrl = 0
velset = 0
sprpriority = 1

[State 102, 3]
type = StopSnd
trigger1 = time = 0
channel = 27

[State 100, 4]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = var(26)
trigger1 = command = "holdfwd"
value = 101

[State 220,2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

[Statedef 105]
type    = S
physics = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 105+var(1)*30000
sprpriority = 1

[State 105, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = animtime = 0
value = 106

[Statedef 106]
type    = A
physics = N
ctrl = 0
anim = 106+var(1)*30000
sprpriority = 1

[State 105, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = 1
x = (const(velocity.run.back.x)*exp((const(velocity.airjump.back.x))*(time)))

[State 105, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = !time
y = const(velocity.run.back.y)

[State 105, VelAdd]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time > 0
y = const(velocity.airjump.fwd.x)

[State -3, hop]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = !time
value = 2+(var(32)*10),12

[State 105, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Vel Y + Pos Y >= 0
value = 107

; RUN_BACK2 (land)
[Statedef 107]
type    = S
physics = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 107+var(1)*30000

[State -3, land]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = !time
value =  2+(var(32)*10),2

[State 106, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 0
y = 0

[State 107, CtrlSet]
type = CtrlSet
trigger1 = time = 2
value = 1

[State 106, 2]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 106, 4]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

If you are wondering what var(1)*30000 is, that's something I use when a character has alternate animations for moves (May Lee, Leona etc). State 15 is something Scal came up with and will be explained later.

State 5050. Change the changestate for hitting the floor to

[State 5050, 6]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Vel Y + Pos Y >= 0
value = 5100 ;HIT_BOUNCE

So you character changes state to when they hit the ground, instead of falling through the ground. Also add this same ctrl to state 5071, so your character goes into the bounce state when tripped instead of going into the lie down state.

Aaaaaaand because I'm getting tired, let me just paste my bounce states so you don't have to go through this. Just replace the sounds and explods for your own.

; Downed get-hit (hit ground from fall)
[Statedef 5100]
type    = L
movetype= H
physics = N

[State 5100, EnvShake]
type = FallEnvShake
trigger1 = Time = 0

[State 5100, Var] ;Save fall velocity
type = VarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
sysvar(1) = floor(vel y)

[State 5100, 2] ;Hit ground anim (normal)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
trigger1 = (anim != [5051,5059]) && (anim != [5061,5069])
trigger2 = !SelfAnimExist(5100 + (anim % 10))
value = 5100

[State 5100, 3] ;Hit ground anim (for hit up)
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = time = 0
trigger1 = (anim = [5051,5059]) || (anim = [5061,5069])
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5100 + (anim % 10))
value = 5100 + (anim % 10)

[State 5100, 4]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 5100, 5]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 5100, 6] ;Reduce speed
type = VelMul
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 0.75

[State 5100, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 0
trigger1 = GetHitVar(fall.yvel) = 0
value = 5110 ;Downed get-hit (lying down)

[State 5100, 10]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 2+(var(32)*10),5
channel = 1
volume = 200

[State 5100, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = !time && (sysvar(1) < 14)
anim = 12000
pos = 0,0
postype = p1  ;p2,front,back,left,right
sprpriority = -4
ownpal = 1

[State 5100, 9]
type = HitFallDamage
trigger1 = Time = 3

[State 5100, 11]
type = PosFreeze
trigger1 = 1

[State 5100, 12]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 5101 ;Downed get-hit (bounce off ground)

[State 5100, 13]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = Time = 0
waveform = sinesquare
ampl = 128,-3,-.2,.005
time = 20
; HIT_BOUNCE (bounce into air)
[Statedef 5101]
type    = L
movetype= H
physics = N

[State 5101, 1] ;Coming hit ground anim (normal)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
trigger1 = anim != [5101,5109]
trigger2 = !SelfAnimExist(5160 + (anim % 10))
value = 5160

[State 5101, 2] ;Coming hit ground anim (for hit up)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
trigger1 = anim = [5101,5109]
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5160 + (anim % 10))
value = 5160 + (anim % 10)

[State 5101, 3]
type = HitFallVel
trigger1 = Time = 0

[State 5101, 4]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = -3

[State 5101, 5] ;Acceleration
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = time > 0
y = gethitvar(yaccel)

[State 5101, 6] ;Hit ground
trigger1 = Pos Y + Vel Y >= 0
type = ChangeState
value = 5110
[Statedef 5110]
type    = L
movetype= H
physics = N
[State 5110, 0]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = 1
value = 5111
[Statedef 5111]
type    = L
movetype= H
physics = N
velset = 0,0

[State 5110, EnvShake]
type = FallEnvShake
trigger1 = Time = 0

[State 5110, 1] ;For hit up/up-diag type (from state 5081)
type = ChangeAnim
persistent = 0
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5110 + (anim % 10))
trigger1 = anim = [5081,5089]
value = 5110 + (anim % 10)

[State 5110, 2] ;Hit ground anim (normal)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
triggerall = anim != [5110,5119] ;Not already changed anim
trigger1 = anim != [5161,5169]
trigger2 = !SelfAnimExist(5170 + (anim % 10))
value = 5170

[State 5110, 3] ;Hit ground anim (for hit up)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
triggerall = anim != [5110,5119] ;Not already changed anim
trigger1 = anim = [5161,5169]
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5170 + (anim % 10))
value = 5170 + (anim % 10)

[State 5110, 4]
type = HitFallDamage
trigger1 = Time = 0

[State 5110, 5]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 5110, Var] ;Get fall velocity
type = VarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
trigger1 = GetHitVar(fall.yvel) != 0
sysvar(1) = floor(vel y)

[State 5100, 10]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = Time = 1
value = 2+(var(32)*10),5
channel = 1
volume = 200

[State 5110, 8]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 5110, 9] ;For hit up type
type = ChangeAnim
persistent = 0
triggerall = anim = [5171,5179]
triggerall = SelfAnimExist(5110 + (anim % 10))
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
trigger2 = SysVar(0) ;SysVar(0) = 1 avoids hit ground anim
value = 5110 + (anim % 10)

[State 5110, 10] ;For normal
type = ChangeAnim
persistent = 0
triggerall = Anim != [5111,5119]
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
trigger2 = SysVar(0) ;SysVar(0) = 1 avoids hit ground frame
value = 5110

[State 5110, 11] ;If just died
type = ChangeState
triggerall = !alive
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
trigger2 = SysVar(0) ;SysVar(0) = 1 avoids hit ground frame
trigger3 = Anim = [5110,5119]
value = 5150

[State 5110, 11] ;If just died
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = time = 10 + 10*(anim=5111||anim=5112)
value = 5120

[State 5110, 12]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = SysVar(0)
trigger1 = Time = 0
sysvar(0) = 0

[State 5110, 13] ;Friction
type = VelMul
trigger1 = 1
x = 0.85

[State 5110, 14]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = alive
trigger1 = Time = 0
time = 8
ampl = 240
waveform = sine

[State 5110, 15]
type = ForceFeedback
trigger1 = !alive
trigger1 = Time = 0
ampl = 200, 7, -.467
time = 30
waveform = sine
[Statedef 5120]
type    = L
movetype= I
physics = N

[State 5120, 1a] ;Get up anim (normal)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
trigger1 = anim != [5111,5119]
trigger2 = !SelfAnimExist(5120 + (anim % 10))
value = 5120

[State 5120, 1b] ;Get up anim (for hit up/diag-up)
type = ChangeAnim
triggerall = time = 0
trigger1 = anim = [5111,5119]
trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5120 + (anim % 10))
value = 5120 + (anim % 10)

[State 5120, 2]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
x = 0

[State 5120, 3]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1

[State 5120, 4]
type = HitFallSet
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 1

[State 5120, 7]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

; HIT_FALLRECOVER (on the ground)
[Statedef 5201]
type    = S
movetype= H
physics = N
anim = 5200

[State 5201, 1]
type = Turn
trigger1 = Time = 0
trigger1 = p2dist X < -5

[State 5201, 3]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
y = 0

[State 5201, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = !time
x =-11.5
y = 0

[State 5201, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = time = 1
x = -7.921875

[State 5201, VelMul]
type = VelMul
trigger1 = 1
x = 0.8125

[State 750, Push]
type = PlayerPush
trigger1 = 1
value = 0

[State 5201, 4]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA
time = 1

[State 705, 1]
type = SelfState
trigger1 = Animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

This isn't cheating! There's really nothing to explain here but this will make your bounce/liedown states more KOF like. :P

That covers this part of the tutorial. If you'd like me to go into detail about the liedown states, I can (grudgingly). Or if there is something that should be expanded on, feel free to mention it.

Click Here.


May 01, 2013, 11:18:00 AM #12 Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 10:58:39 AM by KoopaKoot
Part 3-2:  Artmoney, the heads and tails. Plus clearing up things mentioned in Vans' data tutorial.

Now for the fun part. Using artmoney to get data. Obviously you'll need artmoney for this part. Available from here:


This part of the tutorial is mainly a reiteration of Vans' KOF Data Tutorial found (you'll also need his artmoney tables):

Here: http://www.vans.trinitymugen.net/
Here: http://www.trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=1172.msg10299#msg10299
and here: http://mugen guild.com/forum/topics/kof-data-tutorial-90085.msg784274.html#msg784274 (fill the gap (but why))

Most of the instructions are self explanatory, so I'll just go over some key parts

QuoteClick on "Search", and use type "Custom". Uncheck everything but "Integer 2 bytes" and click OK. Click OK again to start the search.

Now move the character a bit to the right and press "filter", "Unknown value", "was increased". Click OK.

Now move the character all the way to the left again and click on "filter", Exact value = "480", click OK.

A few values should be on the list at your left, select one of them and select "P1 Pos X" on the list at the right and press CTRL + A (or right click and apply offset to all). You will know you synced with the correct value when the character no longer moves if you "freeze" the Pos X.

-There's an easier way to do this. Move p2 all the way to the right and move p1 all the way to the left.
-Click on "search" and use type "Integer (standard)" Search as "exact value = "480""
-move p1 all the way to the right so they are right next to a cornered p2
-click on "filter", Exact value = 704", click OK.
-You should get 3 to 4 search results. It's usually the 2nd value if you have 4 results and the 1st if you have 3.
-select "P1 Pos X" on the list at the right and press CTRL + A Noooo~
-select "P1 Pos X" on the list at the right and press Alt + A

and your kawaks will be synched to artmoney. So let's get some vels.  :sho:

Still using Kyo 98 as my example, I have him move forwards. Artmoney shows "P1 Vel X Integer" as "3" and "P1 Vel X Float" as "5376." The integer is good as is to add to mugen, but the float needs to be converted to decimal. To get this from a "positive" velocity, divide the float by 65536. In this case we get 0.08203125. So Kyo's walk.fwd in mugen will be 3.08203125, which of course is the total of the Interger + the converted float.

When we have Kyo walk backwards, Artmoney shows "P1 Vel X Integer" as "65532" and "P1 Vel X Float" as "60160." Clearly this isn't right (well it is, but you know what I mean). This is how "negative" values appear. Here's how you convert them. For a negative integer, subtract 65535 from it. In this case we get -3. For a negative float, subtract 65536 (-5376)  and then divide a positive version of that result by 65536. This gives us 0.08203125.

[spoiler]I guess now would be a good time to tell you that walk.fwd and walk.back use the same vels, but negative for back. They are also the same values as jump.fwd and jump.back (for kof 94-2002). :P[/spoiler]

I was gonna go to Y velocites next, but let's cover something a lot more advanced involving x vels (besides you can just use Vans' tutorial for that). You can skip this part and do it the "easy" way as mentioned in Vans' tutorial.

[spoiler=X vels the hard way]
QuoteI will now explain the "advanced" way, the advanced way involves Euler's constant. If you take the time to observe the game, you will notice that the accel values change in each tick, this is because there is a base accel value being affected by time and Euler's constant, that means that there are only two values needed in order to calculate those velocities, a base accel and a base velocity. Can this be done in MUGEN? The answer is yes.

First off, we will need our usual three samples.

K's hard Minute Spike:

9.53125 (Tick 1)
9.08447265625 (Tick 2)
8.6586456298828125 (Tick 3)
And we will obtain the first accel value, 0.953125.

Now, the basic KOF velocity equation goes like this: y = z ・e^(w ・x); This translates to: (current vel = basevel*e^(baseaccel*time)

I'm going to skip the demonstration and show you how to use it. First you need to take the natural logarithm (ln) of that first accel value, -0.048009219186360607752003625323445. That is your base accel value.

Now with those two values you can build the controller and have NEAR PERFECT velocities, this is quite simple as it takes very little time once you are used to the system. I will build the example controller for this move (K's Heavy Minutes Spike) in order to show you how it's done.

The accurate X velset controller would be as follows:

[State 1300, Velset]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = 1 ;This controller must trigger in EVERY TICK the vel is active. Can be changed for animelemtime(X) <=/>= if needed.
x = (9.53125*exp((-0.048009219186360607752003625323445)*(time)))

"Time" used in the equation is EXTREMELY important, the time must ALWAYS be "zero" when the vel is set, that means that if you first trigger your vel in time = 3 of the character's state, you will need to use (time-3) in order for the equation to multiply by 0 in the first tick of your vel.

Umm....scary much? The part I bolded is the scary part it's never explained how such a number was acquired. HOWEVER.

Quote from: Mukashi mukashiKoopaKoot: what's the formula for finding a natural logarithm or should I just cheat with the ln button on the calculator? : P
Vans: I don't know the formula
Use the button

So there you have it. If you don't have a calculator like that on your computer, use this site, http://www.calculator-tab.com/ :)


Now for Y velocities. Still using kyo, I tap (not hold) up, the pause. Before Kyo even jumps it shows the y integer as 10 and the float as 16896. This means that his jump.neu is 0,-10.2578125 (the 0 is the x vel). Artmoney shows the "P1 Vel Y yaccel" as 40448. After converting that gives us 0.6171875. This is our yaccel in mugen. One tick before Kyo jumps his jump vel drops to 7 int 4992 float or 7.076171875. This is the 1st vel of Kyo's short hop. By tapping up to jump instead of holding, You're able to get both vels at once. But where do you put the short hop vel in mugen? I'll explain that in the next part.

Vans' tutorial mentions all the other basic things you need to know, so I'll just give you a few tips:

-Know when to use posadd and when to use velset
-The max life in 2002 is 102, 103 in 98 and 120 in 2002 UM. I don't know the rest. :D
-You can get positive x values in artmoney for moves with negative x values, by performing that move when your character is facing left.

Before my browser crashes again, I'm gonna wrap up this section of the tutorial. If you have anything to ask/add, please feel free to do so.

Click Here.


I got a question:
When we have Kyo walk backwards, Artmoney shows "P1 Vel X Integer" as "65532" and "P1 Vel X Float" as "60160." Clearly this isn't right (well it is, but you know what I mean). This is how "negative" values appear. Here's how you convert them. For a negative integer, subtract 65535 from it. In this case we get -3. For a negative float, subtract 65556 (-5376)  and then divide a positive version of that result by 65536. This gives us 0.08203125.
shouldn't this be 65535?
60160-65556 = -5396
60160-65535 = -5376


Typos crash mugen!  :rpeng:

Fixed. Thanks.

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