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Kung Fu Girl + All Chars Update

Started by DivineWolf, August 31, 2012, 11:29:43 AM

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Uploaded yesterday(8/30/12), just fell asleep once again... :P Get her in my folder.  ;)

Also, all of my other chars have been updates as well. Here's what's been done...

All Characters
- Sliding from crouching attacks from running fixed
- MAX Mode EX move drainaged doubled
- Messatsu's char trait identifiers added

Kung Fu Man
- Some damage reduction on "Grand Kung Fu Upper"
- Juggle points reconfigured on certain moves
- Added a bit more variety to his voices and increased the volume some

- Juggle points trigger added to the starting cartwheel kick of "Chou Deadly Ninja Bees"

- Added some frame ticks to "Handcuff Toss" and C. MK as they were a bit too fast IMO
- Damage reduction to "Crescent Stilleto Strike (MAX)" and "High Heel Assault"
- "EX Handcuff Toss" now hits twice and knocks the opponent down. I had always intended for this to function this way, but kept forgeting to do it. Done now though. :P


-9/23/12-(date it was fixed)

Turns intro fixed for all chars.



KFG updated:

-Added new custom super "Kung Fu Ranbu"
-Tweaks to various clsns, anim timings, and damage values
-c.HK is no longer special/super/command cancellable
-c.HK now puts p2 in a "no recovery" custom state


Since Insanius found the bug and I was bored anyway:

[Statedef 490]
type    = A
movetype= H
physics = N
poweradd= 0
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = -1
velset = -1.5,-6

[State 490, Gravity]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = 1
y = .58

[State 490, ChangeAnim]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = Anim != 5070 && Time = 0
value = 5070
;elem = 1
;ignorehitpause =
;persistent =

[State 490, ScreenBound]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = 1
value = 1
movecamera = 1,1

[State 490, StateTypeSet: Low]
type = StateTypeSet
trigger1 = Anim = 5101 || Anim = 490
statetype = L

[State 490, ChangeAnim]
type = ChangeAnim
trigger1 = pos y>=0 && Anim = 5070 && Time > 0
value = ifElse(SelfAnimExist(5101),5101,490)
persistent = 0

[State 490, ChangeAnim]
type = ChangeAnim2
triggerall = AnimTime = 0
trigger1 = Anim = 490
trigger2 = Anim = 5101
value = 491

[State 490, PosSet: On Ground]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = pos y>=0 && vel y>= 0
y = 0

[State 490, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = pos y>=0 && vel y>= 0
x = 0
y = 0

[State 490, SelfState: End]
type = SelfState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 && Anim = 491
value = IfElse(Alive,5120,5150)

Hope you at least see the errors that were present in that state before.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Actually yeah, I did see what was wrong and already fixed it. But, thanks for the assist.


Quote from: Jesuszilla on January 16, 2013, 12:48:06 AM

^Well, I figured what you have here would have been better than my fix for it. But, your fix has some chars freeze in place. Namely Dcat's Turtles...

What I did, and am going to change it back to, was simply change the time of when p2 is supposed to change to the lying down state. From..."AnimElemTime(1)>5" to "AnimElemTime(1)>1". This fixed the problem with The_None's Kazu char, along with remaining fine for everyone else.  Anyway, thanks for the thought.


Not sure what the problem with that is. Nothing about that code should NOT get them out of that anim.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



-Fixed bug for the no recovery custom state

-Changed Kung Fu Ranbu to how I had it initially
-ReadMe updated with special notes on how to remove Kung Fu Ranbu if you don't want it