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Jill Valentine

Started by DivineWolf, May 14, 2013, 03:21:15 PM

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By Sean Altly and myself. Get her in my folder.


Jill updated:


-Tweaked Magnum Burst
-Tweaked (MAX/ground & air)Hyper S.T.A.R.S Charge
-Tweaked Rocket Launcher
-Added more palettes


Gah, can't believe I haven't noticed this until now... but your characters have the palettes in the wrong order. Likewise, the pal.defaults are probably incorrect, too, as a result.

4-6 should be for LP-HP
1-3 should be for LK-HK
10-12 should be for S+LP-HP
7-9 should be for S+LK-HK

After the switch, the pal.defaults would be 4,5,6,1,2,3,10,11,12,7,8,9

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I don't map my pals in a CvS scheme. I know which ones are which. I just go from 1 on up. With 1 being the default pal always. Also, I suppose this is because how FF3 handles SFFv1s, but pal 1(LK) is the one that will always be the one displayed for the small pic in the character select screen. I stopped caring about how to change that a long time ago. :P The pals are mapped to the buttons that they're supposed to be, according to how I have them listed in all my chars' respective def files.


No, they're not mapped to what they're, "supposed to be," because Capcom in general has always done it the way I described.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


May 16, 2013, 04:45:26 PM #5 Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 04:47:08 PM by DivineWolf
If you can tell me how to make the small pic display the default pal, even with it being mapped at pal 4, using FF3 with SFFv1s, then I'll do it. I don't like the small pic not displaying the default pal, regardless of how Capcom sets up their pal scheme. If not, then I'm not really gonna bother with it.


Don't suggest I DL another version of FF. It's not worth it to me at all.


May 16, 2013, 11:33:40 PM #6 Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 01:15:26 AM by Jesuszilla
Using FF3? Easy, on 9000,0, you use the palette scroller thingy on the right. Scroll to the default palette, then click "Apply the current palette to the specified sprites." Save the SFF, and bam.

EDIT: Also, the shotgun as a long range attack.... no. Don't. Shotguns do not work that way.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Alright thanks. I'll get around to that eventually. As for the shotgun thing, I know how shotguns work. Tis why I made is cause more damage up close and knock p2 down when they are closer to Jill. Further away, it causes low damage and doesn't knock down. I could bring the damage down more, but I'm not going to take out it reaching full screen. That's me trying to emulate the spread diminish of a buckshot.  :P It could technically still reach someone from further away, it would just lack the power/effectiveness of being up close.


Didn't know you made it that way (didn't really test for that long), but that's very nice to hear that you kept that in mind.

Was going to pitch the idea to you of having it decelerate slightly as it goes on, rather than constant velocity, but I'm not entirely sure how nice that would be for the opponent.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Yup, it works like that. Even says so in the ReadMe. :P IDK about the decelerating function. Like you said, that would make it tricky for opponents trying to dodge it. That'd actually be buffing it and make it sorta cheap. I took down the damage by a few more points. Causes less than a light punch now from far away. It's really no good from far away. I appreciate the suggestion/tip though.


That Jill looks awesome! :D


Jill updated:


-Pal Scheme reconfigured
-Fixes to several pal problems
-New pals added
-Enhanced quality/volume of her voices
-Ice grenade sound changed to MvC ice hit sound
-Acid grenades fx changed to yellow
-Few misc tweaks