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[Hi-Res] Airship

Started by EXShadow, May 13, 2013, 09:54:48 PM

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May 13, 2013, 09:54:48 PM Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 06:49:14 AM by EXShadow
Enjoy, click image for download.


-Super Jump-


Mugen || Bulleta Me] Vs Ryu


Mugen || Warachia [Me] Vs Leo

Side Note

-Stage updated since video.-



bgmloopstart = 0
bgmloopend = 2939925

And fuck yes, love this stage. Wish we had a GOOD Ruby Heart, though.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Thanks for the bgm.

The Ruby by Bex not to your taste?


Beximus doesn't know shit.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Thanks for the stages! 

Note:  On the China stage, both players elevate when one jumps.  But you may still be working on that one so disregard if so.  Thanks!


Quote from: Kazander13 on May 24, 2013, 12:24:29 PM
Thanks for the stages! 

Note:  On the China stage, both players elevate when one jumps.  But you may still be working on that one so disregard if so.  Thanks!
I labeled it freebie because I have no intention of doing anything else to it, but you can fix it if you change the floor id to 1 I think it's still on 2


Thanks for the reply.  Yeah I'll see what I can do then.  I actually like the environment a lot so I'd like to keep it in my active games.