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Your Mugen Creation Story

Started by devilgenemugen, August 31, 2013, 05:09:35 AM

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August 31, 2013, 05:09:35 AM Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 08:21:18 AM by devilgenemugen
Hi, how did you come across making Mugen character? Why do you create your own character instead of downloading other creators' creations as the other creator have created that character that you are creating? How do you get inspired and motivated to make Mugen character? How much time did you spend making your first Mugen character?

My reasons for creating character:
I want to create Mugen character because there are many characters created by other Mugen creators doesn't suit my taste such as Overpowered undefeated Artificial Inteligency worst if the creator doesn't have the option to lower the AI level in their cns/cmd files, characters doesn't play like they are from their source game like Beppu, I am a big fan of Kyo Kusanagi and he made many Kyo Kusanagis play really bad. For Jin, as a fan of the Kyo clones especially in 2002um, I am quite disappointed that he made an XI version instead of 2002um version (well I guess that is his style he like so I can't blame him) and he doesn't add the counter hit ability (where the character gives more damage to his/her opponent right before his/her opponent attack him/her) to all his characters which makes it inferior to other Mugen Creations. There are not many good Clone Kyos in Mugen so my choices were limited. I am glad that there are sufficient of good kof Kyo Kusanagi now. Characters that have other extra moves that are not present in their source game like Urien by Umihei, the creator went to add an alternate mode to Urien where he had an different move set which looks pretty odd to me. I am curious in finding out how does the Mugen creators manage to create such excellent qualities of the characters in Mugen as most of them almost plays exactly like they are from their source games. How do they manage to do it? I want to explore and try my hand on creating.

How do I get inspired and motivated to create character:
I am inspired and motivated by many Mugen creators who created great qualities of characters in Mugen that plays like they are coming directly from their original fighting games like Warusaki3(Capcom vs. SNK 2), GM(Street Fighter 3 and Garou Mark of the wolves), Vans and Koopakoot(King of Fighters), Websta(Neogeo Battle Coliseum) etc and I want to try and make one that plays like he/she is from his/her original fighting game. There were a few great tutorial that inspired me like Vans' Artmoney tutorial, Koopakoot's kof Tutorial and Sander 71113's kof tutorial about making kof character as I got excited after I managed to get Artmoney to sync the kawaks emulator to find the character's velocity values, accels etc. For now, I take about 2 days every week to make my Mugen character because of studies and stuff but during the holiday, I will try to work on my character for the whole month which I happen to do it during my last holiday compiling sff and halfway through making air file. It might take about 2 or 3 years for me to finish making my first kof character as I am quite slow and I want my character to play like he/she is from his/her source game so it might take a long time for me to successfully create him/her to make him/her plays accuarately and perfectly without any flaws. Hopefully if I can manage to create a few more decent characters, I want to make my dream fighting game that I always had in my mind :)