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Displaying P2 big portrait during a winpose ?

Started by Cybaster, September 15, 2013, 09:19:12 AM

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I have a winpose where I want to display P2's big portrait (sprite 9000,1), similarly to my Batman's spray move.

However, in Batman, I had put P2 in a custom state, where I could easily use a changeanim2. Here, P2 is dead and not in a custom state.

How would I do this here ? All I can think of is :
- Force P2 into a custom lie dead state when he dies (copy of the usual dead states).
- Wait to see which winpose P1 enters.
- Change state for P2 if P1 enters this particular winpose.
- Use changeanim2 on P2 to make him display the big portrait.

But maybe there's something simpler and better coded I'm not thinking of ?


You COULD put P2 in a custom state, however, perhaps the easiest would be to just have a helper spawn upon KO (unless you NEED P2's positions, in which case, you WILL need either a custom state or calculus)

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I don't need P2's position, so that's a good thing.

Still, maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how would I have P1 (my character) spawn a helper that displays P2's big portrait ?
Let's say I create a custom anim for P1 as such :
[Begin action 12345]
9000,1, 0,0, -1

Then how do I have P1 display P2's portrait without a changeanim2 ?

Unless I start asking people to modify their whole roster to include a few lines of code in state-2 to spawn a helper/explod that displays their own big portrait, but I'd rather not do that.


ChangeAnim2 is an absolute necessity here. There really is no other way to access P2's sprite data in a custom animation.

Just try to keep things peaceful.