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Your AI preference and decision

Started by devilgenemugen, August 21, 2013, 08:49:23 AM

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Hi, what types of AI (Strong like Sander 71113's and Ikaruga's kof characters, Mid like Vans's Iori_wls and K.O.D's characters or AI from the character's original fighting game) do you prefer if you want to program AI to your Mugen character that you create and why? If you doesn't like to program AI into your character, why is it so?


August 21, 2013, 11:35:10 AM #1 Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 02:35:40 PM by Jesuszilla
Something like Vans's Iori is good. He is challenging, but not to the extent that you'll rage quit.

I prefer coding some basic AI into my characters to make them entertaining to watch/fight against.



And I can't code AI worth a shit. I'm too much of a perfectionist and I couldn't get it done.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Personally, I feel the level of AI difficulty should be able to be altered, depending on one's skill level. Just like a game really does. I can't code AI either, because I focus too much on char creation, to be concerned with it. By the time I'm done with a char, I really could care less about implementing AI. I was learning for a bit, but ended up casting it aside...  :-\ AI is nice to have, but I don't find it that important. I rather a char play well, then to be broken and even worst, have AI combined with the broken char.


The thing is that MUGEN is mostly a single player experience, so I WANT to have good AI. Just, goddamn, there's so much to do.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Just code 2 or 3 combo strings. That's what I usually do, Mugen takes care of the rest :P


I just ask Doruzi, though I haven't in a while and I don't even know if he's still active. Because his AI is best at showing what's what with my characters.

Click Here.


August 24, 2013, 10:13:26 AM #7 Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 10:23:56 AM by devilgenemugen
Quote from: DivineWolf on August 21, 2013, 02:45:20 PM
Personally, I feel the level of AI difficulty should be able to be altered, depending on one's skill level. Just like a game really does. I can't code AI either, because I focus too much on char creation, to be concerned with it. By the time I'm done with a char, I really could care less about implementing AI. I was learning for a bit, but ended up casting it aside...  :-\ AI is nice to have, but I don't find it that important. I rather a char play well, then to be broken and even worst, have AI combined with the broken char.
Quote from: Jesuszilla on August 21, 2013, 02:36:50 PM
And I can't code AI worth a shit. I'm too much of a perfectionist and I couldn't get it done.
Yeah, I aimed to make my Mugen character perfect too first, I agree that perfectionist is the most important when making accurate Mugen character  :) maybe I will see how my character goes then I will decide the AI to be done once everything of my character is perfect

Quote from: Websta on August 23, 2013, 02:32:03 AM
Just code 2 or 3 combo strings. That's what I usually do, Mugen takes care of the rest :P
Your characters are fun to fight too :iori:

Quote from: KoopaKoot on August 24, 2013, 02:27:14 AM
I just ask Doruzi, though I haven't in a while and I don't even know if he's still active. Because his AI is best at showing what's what with my characters.
He is still around, he recently update some of Tora's Real Bout Characters' AI Patches


Hmm, It seems I'm a little late for this topic. Is it PK to post on a three month old one? Well, anyway.

Personally, I prefer AI more like human, but not as perfect as a robot. Like Ikaruga's char, it's like a kof world champion is controlling the char. Too perfect. Not any miss. IMHM, an human-like AI should have different strategy (jumping approach, ground approach, using combo, or using poke, and etc.), different combo strings, miss combo every now and then, fooled or reacted to some intentional fake move, and guess to perform some move in advance.

If those are too hard to code, I think it's a good idea to make AI able to be altered, just like DivineWolf said. Not everyone is good at playing. I know some creators even give detailed AI options to switch, which is good to me. I can't even beat Ikaruga's LV4.  :P

Years ago, I think I saw a full game from China. Can't remember the name of it. The author or the team said they'd coded the AI able to "learn" or change to another strategy when the first strategy is beaten.


You may be thinking of KOFZ. I don't think they quite made the AI able to learn unless it was AFTER Vans recorded that one video where he showed how you could SPAM Kyo's R.E.D. Kick and the AI just kept falling for it.

Also, making human-like AI is tough as hell, which is why I don't make AI. Again, I'm too perfectionist, so I'd be too focused on trying to get it to behave like I do that I would never be able to get it done.

I would say that probably the best way to mimic that for combos in MUGEN is to have an inverse relation with AILevel. That is, the lower the AI, the higher the chance it will drop a combo. The higher the AILevel, the higher the chance it has that it will perfectly pull off the combo. I believe this is how Kamekaze codes his AI.

Just try to keep things peaceful.