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3D MUGEN how to: Thousands of UFE characters ready and easy to use

Started by EliotRRG, October 30, 2014, 01:14:48 AM

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Hi, sorry my english is not very good.

Please read everyting im going to show you how to get Thousands of UFE characters ready and easy  to use

I'm a MUGEN enthusiast, i played a lot some years ago, i alway want to
make a 3d MUGEN but i never find the time, but now as you probably may
know, there are two great options to start building a 3d MUGEN
community, i'm talking about

EF-12  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP-OZrOB5Oo#ws


UFE     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYS90QO-rY4#ws

pretty awesome doesn't it?, well since the last year some artist begin
to make characters for this 2 engines, but reading a lot of MUGEN
sites, i see that the community doesn't know how to do things for this
engines. or they know but its a lot of work and they don´t have the
time like is my case.

to make one of those characters you need to do the next things.

1. Model the character or make the shape. (1 month if you know how)

2. Texture the character or put materials and colors. (2 weeks if you know how)

3. Rig and Skin the character or put bones to control the character. (
2 weeks if you know how )

4. Animate the character (2 weeks if you know how)

5. Create the fighter or synchronize adio and movements and testing (2
weeks if you know how)

thats a lot of time, 3 monts to make one character, and i'm assuming
you're working on the char 24/7, and you have artistic and technical
skills in all the software you need.

Well like a lot of us i have the technicals skills, but i dont have
the artistic skills and time needed to make a char, but then i
remembered that we create the chars for the old MUGEN using the
sprites from other games, so i thing why dont we use the 3d models
from others games, some of you will tell me "because you're going only
to jump the step 1, the models are not skinned, rigged, animated, etc"
yes thats a problem, so i was researching and finally i got a

The next video you're going to see take me 2 days, no kidding just 2
days to make it work with UFE (universal fighting engine) for Unity3d,


they are Boa Hancock from One Piece and Sephiroth From Final Fantasy
Crisis Core, well you're notice they have animation errors and the
sound its bad but i think it's pretty god for 2 days , and like they
two i find a collection of thousands of characters from anime, games,
sci-fi and other genders, and you could jump the steps 1, 2, 3, and
the half of the 4 step, thanks that they are fully rigged, skinned,
and with physics, mecanim compatible (accept any type of mecanim
animation) , all ready to use on UFE, sadly i don´t know how to do the
same for EF-12. All those models come from MMD (miku miku dance) that
comunity is like MUGEN has more than 10 years creating characters. for
that program and they are 3d Characters.

Well now follow these steps:

1- Install Unity3d is the base for UFE https://unity3d.com/es/unity/download
2- Get a copy of UFE and install it, (sadly is not free cost 55 USD)
3- Take a basic tutorial of unity3d on youtube, you need to know a
little to not get lost
4- Download this plugin MMD4 Mecanim from http://stereoarts.jp/
5- Look for one of the thousands MMD (MikuMikuDance) characters that
already exist you can findit on deviantart or any of the next sites:

UPDATE: OMG i forgot to put this video showing the import proces from MMD to Unity

6- The video don´t showit but remember to change the rig to Humanoid this is needed to work with UFE and Mecanim
and to enable the phisics on the char, other case the cloth will be rigid like a solid piece.
7- Follow the 3 tutorials from UFE creators, and ready in one day
youre going to create a character in 3d for UFE that is a 2.5 engine
like street fighter 4.

a) tutorial create hitboxes
b) add animations
c) retarget animations

So now we have the dificult part solved, just need to work on the fun
part, make your character fight.


Hey good news, for those of you that are thinking to start working with UFE i recommend you to wait, the author announce is going to release de new version 1.5 this week or beginning of next one, with major improvements on

a) 2 types of bot Artificial Intelligence
b) Easy combo chain edition.
c) Improved hit boxes.
d) Improved projectile system.
e) Retargetable movements.
f) Better Trow mode.



Alt and link removed. Don't create alts just to talk to yourself when nobody replies to your thread, that's pathetic. The reason nobody's replying is because either nobody is interested, or they have no knowledge of working with 3D models in order to try this out.

Try that again or come up with any excuses and you're banned.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Yeah, no problem, ElChango its the troll of my brother trying to boost my idea, i don't care if you band him, i tell him this is going to happen.

Could i repost the link or there is some kind of rule about that ?


I removed the link because I mistook bit.ly as another site, so go ahead and repost it.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


I was playing this weekend with the animations and particles from ElChango17 here a sample of what you could do.


im reposting the links to the particle colection, and the Animation collection

QuoteI have a great collection of Motions, over 2100 Animations for Unity Mecanim you can use them with UFE, i want to share theme for this project ( 3D MUGEN or whatever ).

i added them to a torrent i'm going to post it here, but please don't publish this outside the MUGEN community, i'm gonna seed all the time posible, if you download it please remember to seed. (for those who don't know you're gonna need utorrent or vuze to download this.)


a yea its a little heavy 5 GB. but it worth it. if you have troubles downloading tell me to find a solution.

QuoteYou're going to need Fx and particles to make some nice powers, im going to put my collection to your disposition. same rule, don't publish this outside the MUGEN community, i'm going to be seeding 

1000 particle FX for Unity3d and UFE.


this is not so heavy only 256 MB