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Rentaro released! Senna, Homura, and Taiga updated 9-25-15

Started by Kohaku, September 25, 2015, 07:09:51 PM

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My second character from DBFC has been released! As always please refer to the read me for a full explanation of his abilities and move set.

Clone Miko, HomuHomu, and Palmtop Tiger has also been significantly updated.

Senna v1.1
- Attack increase while in Awakening increased to 15%
- AP consumption while in Awakening increased
- Can now chain most special attacks to EX Drives and EXE Finishers
- Setsu Gekka's damage can now boosted with up to 3 SP
- Revamped Choukaifuku to now slowly heal life and gradually restore AP and Power over time
- Choukaifuku recovery time decreased
- Oukahishousen can now be used in the air
- Oukahishousen damage increased, boosted damage from SP decreased
- Tsubaki Ran's size and damage can now be boosted with SP
- Nagikaze hit stun and hit pause decreased
- Gekka can now be used in the air
- Can now jump cancel from a heel kick
- Increased power gain
- Basic attack damage increased
- Adjusted hit vels of standing medium attack

Homura v1.1
- Attack increase while in Awakening increased to 15%
- AP consumption while in Awakening increased
- Can now chain some special attacks to EX Drives and EXE Finishers
- Implemented a gauge that monitors the time left for Void Field
- Void Field duration increased by 1 second
- Can no longer gain SP while Void Field is active
- Void Impact can now counter non-projectile based supers
- Void Impact damage increased
- RPG-7 damage increased
- Active counter frames for ESP decreased
- ESP will no longer give SP upon a successful counter
- Changed Reload to recover 1 SP if reloading from 1 to 5 ammo left and 2 SP if reloading from 0
- Mortar Fire will launch the opponent higher
- Second Mortar from SP boosted Mortar Fire will spawn closer to Homura
- Implemented double jump
- Increased power gain
- Basic attack damage increased
- Adjusted hit vels of aerial basic attacks
- Adjusted collision boxes of crouching anim
- Adjusted some misaligned hit sparks

Taiga v1.2
- Attack increase while in Awakening increased to 15%
- AP consumption while in Awakening increased
- Can now chain most special attacks to EX Drives and EXE Finishers
- Speed adjustments to Curbstomp Symphony
- Ravamped frame time animations of T&D Connection to make it play out faster
- Can now perform T&D Connection even when Ryuji has been summoned
- Increased running speed of Ryuji when attacking
- Fixed Ryuji not being able to get hit
- Launch height of Tiger upper decreased and opponent will now fall faster, SP boosted Tiger upper retains original launch height and speed which opponent falls
- Launch height of crouching heavy attack decreased
- Removed VelAdd from standing medium attack

Type-Mugen 1.0+ ---> Characters