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Ancient Island

Started by Alpyne_D, December 19, 2016, 12:25:35 PM

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December 19, 2016, 12:25:35 PM Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 02:44:06 PM by Alpyne_D

! No longer available


<== 1.1 .def


~~ for 1.0 [& now also for 1.1, thanx to my boi DemonKai. good lookin' out god!]
~~ Animated
~~ Slight Super Jump
~~ loop kut BGM

so ya boi Alpyne's droppin' yet another kreation, nothin' too fancy mind you. props to my boi Realest for his AA, more details in tha .def.  sorry it took so long y'all, but life's been a bit of a hindrance for a good minute

anyhoo, enjoy dem shitz y'all.
