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Strider Hiryu

Started by DivineWolf, September 10, 2017, 07:55:35 PM

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September 10, 2017, 07:55:35 PM Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 11:11:46 AM by DivineWolf

I figure I've sat on him long enough. As always, special thanks to everyone who helped me out with him. Get him in my folder.


-Reduced the duration of Ouroboros

-Fixed super finish delay on warp Legion
-Tweaked clsns on Gram(all versions)

-Misc clsn tweaks
-Misc dmg tweaks
-Ground normals now have different properties based on whether he chained into them or not(will probably do the same for Psylocke soon)
-(EX)Gram all versions dmg increased
-(EX)Ame no Murakumo dmg increased
-PSX slash sounds added
-OTG -> Nagnarok -> Ouroboros bug fixed.