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IRC Channel

Started by Neon_Tiger, July 31, 2006, 10:48:38 PM

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July 31, 2006, 10:48:38 PM Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 06:49:07 AM by Jesuszilla
Have nothing better to do, and have IRC? Why not join the Trinity MUGEN IRC Channel? All you need is an IRC program, and not being klined from Sorcery.net, log onto Sorcery.net then just join #TrinityMUGEN

However, we do have some rules, the ones with the slashs through them were not serious and thus do not count, they will eventually be replaced with other rules, or maybe not, I don't know.

QuoteChat Rule Number 1: No hentai in the main chat, use /msg and/or /query for that.
Chat Rule Number 2: No Pokemon.
Chat Rule Number Euler: Irrational Numbers can be Chat Rules too.
Chat Rule Number 3: Parking Meters while you are walking around is funny, but only in Moonside.
Chat Rule Number 4: There will be no pineapple-hamburgers!
Chat Rule Number 5: Bagels no! Festivus yes!
Chat Rule Number 6: Don't eat the hashbrowns, EVER.
Chat Rule Number 7: Super KKK Bros. is NOT funny.
Chat Rule Number 8: No soup for you!
Chat Rule Number 10: There is no Chat Rule Number 9.
Chat Rule Number 11: FireMan is the justice, not you!

Chat Rule Number 12: No image discussed in this channel will be on any chan.
Chat Rule Number 13: Do not post any 4chan material in the chat.
Chat Rule Number 14: Do not discuss the sexual habits of the channel owner.
Chat Rule Number 15: Hell while we're at it, don't discuss your own either.
Chat Rule Number 16: A Q, is Michael Jackson, but which one? Star Trek Q? SF Q? BN Netbattler Q?
Chat Rule Number 17: The Chat does not die, it merely goes into comas from time to time.
Chat Rule Number 18: No "Shoop da Whoop".
Chat Rule Number 19: No being in the channel while high and/or drunk.
Chat Rule Number 20: Respect is Everything.
Chat Rule Number 21: Any citation of Yipes Meme is a 1-day bannable offense.


September 14, 2006, 04:33:08 PM #1 Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 06:50:27 AM by Jesuszilla
For a little clarification:

Said rules are really just things that pissed off Neon, so the other ops and I didn't enforce them.

Really, there is only one rule: Don't do anything that pisses off any ops.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Edited with new IRC channel info.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel

Please add the following rule:

Any mention of 066.jpg is a bannable offence.


No it's still fun to trick people into seeing it.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel


I believe some clarification is in order.  :ken:

QuoteChat Rule Number 1: If ever posting 18+ material in the chat (sexual, nude or violent images), you MUST add "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) before or directly after the link.

  - This lets everyone in the channel know "Hey, you probably shouldn't open this if you're being monitored at work or at home by anyone in proximity."

  - Example: Tag these images: Naked individuals. Sexual content. Individuals portrayed in sexual context (PANTY SHOTS). Gruesome or violent pictures. It's just a courteous gesture for anyone in the channel and is a good practice.

Chat Rule Number 2: Do not discuss the sexual habits of yourself or any persons in the channel repeatedly.

  - Example: It's okay to mention that you like to do the dirty deed while wearing a clown suit. This is an interesting and humorous note that would allow everyone to get to know you a little more while also providing a significant amount of lulz. What's not okay is making sure to tell everyone all about each and every time you make whoopee or otherwise. Nobody really cares. Personal stories and redundancy are two different things.

Chat Rule Number 3: The Chat does not die, it merely goes into comas from time to time.

  - Word.

Chat Rule Number 4: No being in the channel while exhibiting behavior akin to extreme intoxication or inebriation. This includes any and all substance abuse.

  - Nobody wants to read the nonsense you come up with when you're on the drink or otherwise. If you can't keep a level head and you start spamming gibberish, leave until you regain your senses.

Chat Rule Number 5: Respect is Everything.

  - The absolute most important rule. Just about anything is fair game to discuss within the chat, so long as it does not directly slander any member with malicious intent. The channel is generally small, so most members know each other to an extent. You are expected to be able to joke back and forth with one another without feeling personally offended.

  - Likewise, if a particular member feels offended by any specific thing and other members emphasize that thing in order to anger that member, then it has become malicious intent and will be punished to the furthest degree of my power.

  - If a member feels comfortable enough to bring a serious discussion into the chat looking for people to listen, you are expected to identify with their perspective. If you do not agree, you are welcome always to voice your opinion. Sometimes however, two people may only agree to disagree. A debate becomes an argument once either side stops looking for the truth, and only becomes interested in coming out on top. Arguments are strongly discouraged.

  - Should an argument arise and continue for an extended period of time between two people, you are to take it into PM if this happens. The reason for this is while spectators in the chat may agree or disagree with either side, it clearly only involves two individuals, and the flow of the chat need not be disturbed by a one on one conversation to the death.




October 15, 2010, 03:06:23 PM #8 Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 03:07:57 PM by Karasawa
Says the one who left the channel.

Moreover, there have been no problems with the rules at all as of late; I merely wanted to clarify due to an observation in another channel where the rules were neither clear nor enforced.


October 15, 2010, 03:17:39 PM #9 Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 03:19:20 PM by Jesuszilla
We really don't enforce them... but I can see how that could be a problem.

Haven't been on in days and I really don't want to, so I dunno what this is about.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Nah don't worry guys. Nothing happened in Trinitymugen. I was in another channel that said they HAD rules, but when they were obviously broken, nothing happened to the offender.

I more or less felt vulnerable from the perspective of a member and not an op, where here I feel like I should be making sure rules are clear and enforced. And while we really don't have problems here, it's nice to have some guidelines anyway.
