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Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Started by Neon_Tiger, January 08, 2007, 09:38:38 PM

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As you no doubt know, I have not been here in quite some time, this is due to several things, but the main reason is work. I just am too busy most of the time due to my school work now that I can't really hang around.

Secondly earlier this year, I was hospitalized, why is personal and would rather not say.

Thirdly, in November my computer died, and I've been using library computers since then. I only just recently finally got a new computer, and be recently I mean yesterday so I could do a ten page Minitab lab. However, another thing I should mention, is when my computer died, it died hard, I lost all my Mugen WIPs, and I can't find the CD the data is on, as such said WIPs are dead, for good.

Finally, in addition I am working as TA, and was promoted to a higher position on my floor, as such I shall be even busier. So, I apologize, but I will not really be around that often, at best I might randomly post in Spam or Video Games. Due to this, I am retiring the Admin position, and Mugen Converter position.

Regarding Double, a horrible ironic tragedy, after he got his new body he went outside, and an anvil fell on him and crushed his head. The authorities are still looking for his control chip.


I FUCKING MISSED YOU! Man you've missed so much.

Glad to see you actually post here.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Deleted User

You got me worried, good to see you haven't dissapeared from the face of the earth. :P


Wait, what happened to your admin position?

COME ON! You FOUNDED this place. Heck, if it weren't for you this place would not even be here right now. :dhioas:

... And you like TM now eh? Wow, amazing. And you hate Moskau. Guess you found out the Germans made it, eh?

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Like is too strong a word, tolerate would be better. My dislike of Moskau is due to floor releated events I find childish and trivial.

As for my admin title, I did say I was retiring it in the first post.


January 08, 2007, 10:45:37 PM #5 Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 10:48:15 PM by イエスジラ
Yeah, I found that comment right after I posted that.

And from what TMF said, the Moskau thing had something to do with German and Russian sides on the floor or some crap like that. Germans? Russians? Hating Moskau? It adds up here.

EDIT: In addition, I haven't been to 4chan in months. I got banned for raiding /e/. Heh heh heh.

Just try to keep things peaceful.



And you may be happy to hear this: Electrikoolaid's site got hacked and is no more.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Why does everyone have kanji names?

And yeah, it had to do with a silly attempt to unite the floor by dividing it, which makes no logical sense.


It's not kanji, it's kana! Well, except for Fong...

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Deleted User


Got tired of mine, so I dropped it.

The nicks were a result of a fad.  Oh, and I've got a Super Smash Bros. Brawl look.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


That would be good if the system it was on wasn't a repackaged Gamecube with a remote.