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Fox's Review: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Started by Fusion, January 18, 2007, 11:20:57 PM

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OMG!?  Fox reviewing a game from the Zelda series!?

Well, okay, I'll admit.  I've been a fan of the Zelda series since Link to The Past.

The long-awaited Twilight Princess is here at last, nearly two or three years in the making.  I must say that it was damn well worth the wait, and no matter how ridiculous the plot could appear to outsiders, it will end up eating you whole, chewing you up, and then spitting you with a quarter of a heart out of your lifebar.

Graphics: (10/10)
I'll have to say, for a Zelda game this game has all of the graphics I expected it to have.  Full visuals, and believe it or not with all this detail Nintendo's crammed in, there is never a single moment the game suffers from slowdown.  At all.  The graphics don't suffer.  Even though this game runs at 30 frames per second, since when has the Zelda series been known for running at 60 frames per second?  Since never.  Simply put, the graphics in this game are STUNNING.

Sound: (10/10)
The music in this game is nothing short of astounding.  There's even a few throwbacks to past music (I recognized Hyrule Castle's theme as being from Link to The Past.  A real treat!), and Link doesn't sound like he's trying too hard any more.  Characters also squabble and babble in their own language.  In battle, aside from the vibration, the power of each strike, as you land it, makes you really think that you -are- Link.  Not to mention the cries of pain from your enemies as you land blow after blow upon them, until they give one final cry and explode before your eyes.

Gameplay: (10/10)
Simple puzzles, lots of running, swordplay, Good ol' classic battle system, the gameplay's flavor remains unchanged in essence.  Nothing more to say here.

Story: (10/10)
So, a lot of people are wondering about this one, eh?  We've all heard rumors about how it takes place some length of time after Ocarina of Time, no?  Well, supposedly those rumors are actually true.  I will only post the beginning of the story.  You start of as a regular Ordonian teenager, who works for a rancher to give him something to do, and has friends, pretty typical kid.  Runs errands without question, yada yada yada.  So, later, something strikes the world of Hyrule, the first we see of it, it is attacking the famous Hyrule Castle, although of course Link's not there so they're pretty much screwed, as their royal guards die protecting the castle and some fish head (sorta looks familiar to me) declares himself king of Hyrule.  But they never killed Zelda.  Oop, did I say Zelda?  Oh, no biggie, it's not like Zelda isn't in every game.

Your character gets curious, enters the twilight, we see the Triforce on his right hand, and he turns into a wolf, you wander about the Twilight Realm until you free a spirit of light or two, then you go back to the 'real world' and guess what?  You're wearing the classic green gear, and you're told that you're the decendant of the 'great hero' who came before you.  Funny, wonder why the spirit beings didn't mention that Link also looked like the great hero in that outfit.  Oh well, at least we can still throw cuccos into the lake.

That's all I'm gonna review of it.

So... My suggestion: If you're up for a classic version of Twilight Princess, try to get the GC version!  If you want to play with all the new Gameplay elements, get the Wii version.  They're practically the same thing (aside from all that crap about 'mirrored' things.)


Quote from: Fox McCloud on January 18, 2007, 11:20:57 PMThey're practically the same thing (aside from all that crap about 'mirrored' things.)

And that whole having to buy a crap system that's a repackaged Gamecube thing.


Just try to keep things peaceful.


Unless I get hit in the head with one of the stupid controllers given how much they seem to like breaking things, no, it does not own me.