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Rants and raves of a mad Arwing pilot #1

Started by Fusion, March 12, 2007, 08:05:38 AM

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Alright, I'm going to blow off some Steam here.

Bias.  Who hates it?  Everybody.  Bias is, essentially, a dedication to one side of thinking.  Some people can be biased for the 360 instead of the PS3.  Others can be biased against the 360.

Right, with that aside.  Why does everybody hate Nintendo?  Sure their latest console has a weird name but it's got more uniqueness, and stands out among all of the 'casual gamer' systems.  It is the true 'Next-Gen' if there is such a phrase.  Calling it a rebuilt GameCube is not only stupid, it's also inaccurate.  For one, the Gamecube didn't come with a sensor bar and a remote that pretty much put you -in- the game.  I find it nice to have, though.  Playing Red Steel both improves your focus, and your reaction time.  But still, people prefer to be biased against games like that because of the system it's on.

"OMFG IT IS TEH WII IT SUCKS MY WII LOLOLOLOLOLOL" is just an example of the pure Sony\Microsoft fanboyness I see daily.  Some of it isn't even justified.  Ask any person their favorite system, and what they like about it.  If they tell you that it's for the graphics, don't allow that as an answer and ask for a -real- answer.  If they say 'graphics' again, just take their results back to your office and throw them in the garbage bin because obviously they're graphic whores who don't care how a game plays as long as it looks like Half-Life 2: Episode Two or Crysis.

Then there's people with a sensible fanboyism towards certain systems.  People who can give you a reason to get the system, but of course these types I also hate because they'll jump up in the middle of an argument over what system is over what system and say that both systems suck and their preferred is their favorite.  Big.  F***ing.  Deal.  Your favorite system is your favorite system, and has nothing to do with a debate about two systems you think are a sin against god. I know biased 360 players won't read this, but who cares?  Go back to playing Wing Commander Arena, surely because you'll never know what the -real- Wing Commander was like.  If you do learn what it was like, you'd probably hate the Wing Commander series for being "boring".

Repetitive themes, ugh.  Let's all make our games about a dark and gothy emo hero who has special powers and a knack for calling everything a twinky!  You know, the day that happens in a game is the day I won't be surprised at all about how stupid developers get.  Sure he can decimate entire planets, but can he stop himself from cutting himself?  Oh, right, his powers would end the world if he cut himself, because somehow they're in liquid form, and he's also somewhat limited in his unlimited power.  Right.  Screw continuity, the game has to be different from the concept.  Which annoys me.  Wolverine has advanced healing, when I play as him in X-Men I expect some form of self-regenerating life.  Yet no X-Men game I've ever played, or even a game that features the X-Men, has ever given Wolverine his healing power.  It's like it suddenly became disabled.

Music, again.  Racing games have hiphop & rap labelled all over them, potential games have music that emos listen to, NASCAR has country stapled all over it's games, and football?  Ranges from it's typical fare of themes, to random pieces of pop culture placed into the game.  What's with the latest influx of gang-related shooters having rap from rappers like 50 cent?  Do they even know what kind of music they're putting into the game?  I liked Need For Speed: Carbon's music because of the less rap-oriented soundtrack it had.  But then again, I wish EA'd make a pure Need For Speed game that was aboiut the point-to-point races and not this "gtfo my streetz & gtfo my city ur nuthin'" they pull now.  Sure, it has a decent plotline to it, but the player does not have his own agenda every game.  Good vs. Evil... In terms of pink slips.

That's all I have to rant for right now, as if I rant any longer I may get off-track.



I also dislike Microsoft and Sony, so what does that make me? As I've stated several times this generation of video games just sucks all around.

Point, Neon.

Furthermore about using the fact that the Wii has the remote to justify it not being a GameCube 2.0 is rather silly in that the Wiimote was originally designed as a Gamecube accessory, it just came too late in the systems life so they decided rather stupidly to make it the Wii's main controller.

Really, have fun with your repeatitive hand motion injuries, I'm sure they're worth for a system that's a generation behind in every other respect.



Quote from: TMF on March 12, 2007, 01:30:27 PMThe system really needs some good games & STAT.

Agreed. I still need to complete Twilight Princess. Been too busy with school and MUGEN lately.

As for WarioWare, haven't gotten it because read the above.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Man that must mean the PS3 sucks times 2.4.

Although I personally think they all suck equally.


No, you n00b if we're going to integrate calculus into this, we should at least do this:

limX->Next Gen = Suck

y = f(X) = Wastes of Money

y' = limWorthwhile Things->Zero [f(X+Worthwhile Things) - f(X)]/Worthwhile Things = Next Gen

y'' = gimmicky designs


Every system has a rap name.

PS3 -> Sixaxis, "Home"
Wii -> Wiimote, Mii Channel
360 -> Wireless, X-Box Live

I can see why Neon thinks they all equally suck.  PS3 sucks more than the Wii because PS3 has Second Life, and I DISLIKE Second Life.


Also, I don't see how VC is a strength given how rediculously inflated the prices are for such old technology.

Mario Bros (not even SUPER) and Donkey Kong for five bucks? Yeah fucking right...


No, I'd rather you aknowledge it's only strength is the low price.


You spelled "Eventual release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl" incorrectly.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


March 21, 2007, 08:35:56 PM #11 Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 08:46:01 PM by The Justice
Yeah, because a game we know virtually nothing about and haven't heard any information about in months automatically is good.

Furthermore, it's on the Wii, they'll probably be forced to make it work with the Wiimote, and we all know how much that'd ruin the franchise.


I doubt Super Smash Bros would translate at all to a Wiimote unless it were a third person game, and from what we've seen so far it's just the same.

There's been misinterpretation over gameplay, though.  Rumors say it'll be "more in line with Super Smash Bros." for the N64, Sakurai commented that the basic gameplay would mostly be unchanged from Melee, but the air combat would be redone to be more balanced.

What does this mean?  AIR COMBO!


Yeah, because designers don't lie and then change their minds half way through ever.

Honestly, no franchise is so good it CAN'T be fucked up, they just have to try to fuck it up a little harder.


What the fuck man, the pervert isn't suppose to be the logical one.