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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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The careless dude that nobody cares about

QuoteAt least they're better than Guilty Gear's IKs.

"Hey I'm Ky and I'm going to dramatically poke you."
Talking about instant kills from UNI's chars.

Quoteit sucks so hard, anyone who think its better then win can go suck a dick
Winmugen user. :P

"Well then, let's kill".


Quote[21:42] * Zero-Sennin changes topic to 'Welcome to #PillowsAnimeMakesZSCry | CENSORED URL STUFF | [14:24] <ISB|DrSexual_Moocolate> Zangief is my man love | http://streamlicious.com/wordpress/'
[21:44] * ISB|DrSexual_Moocolate is now known as Zero-Senninn
[21:44] <Zero-Senninn> THIS IS ZERO-SENNIN
[21:44] <@Zero-Sennin> What are you doing you moron
[21:44] <Zero-Senninn> RAINBOWS MAKE ME CRY
[21:44] <@Zero-Sennin> Stop it

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

Quote11:53   KOD   ishida: our next fap will be amazing
11:53   KOD   all the build-up

Orochi Gill

Quote[11:46]   Ishida-Uryuu   like
[11:46]   Ishida-Uryuu   im feeling like i could go through december
[11:51]   Ishida-Uryuu   its a pretty good feeling not having to see my trashcan filled to the brim with tissues too
[11:52]   OrochiGill   your dick must be screaming at you
[11:52]   |<--   Helios has left irc.sorcery.net (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:53]   KOD   ishida: our next fap will be amazing
[11:53]   Ishida-Uryuu   like i said, the first couple weeks it was
[11:53]   KOD   all the build-up
[11:53]   Ishida-Uryuu   nigga
[11:53]   Ishida-Uryuu   did you just say our
[11:53]   Ishida-Uryuu   LOL
[11:54]   Ishida-Uryuu   gayazfuk
[11:54]   KOD   OUR
[11:54]   Brandy_Bogard   AHAHHAHAHA
[11:54]   KOD   that's me
[11:54]   satousei   :)
[11:54]   KOD   bad with sentences


December 02, 2012, 01:26:37 AM #1069 Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 01:28:24 AM by Jesuszilla
Quote[01:20] <Rednavi> that reminds me, I have yet to DL CFJ's music :P
[01:21] <Rednavi> it's been a long time since I had that ost, back when I was a mugen n00b lol
[01:21] <Rednavi> and to think that a few months ago was the first time I played this game.
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> Rednavi: I know, right?
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> I didn't play it until 2010
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> Wait, no, 2011
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> And I... ended up liking it.
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> It's a guilty pleasure of mine
[01:25] <Rednavi> It's a boring game and you can't convince me that it's good at all
[01:25] <Rednavi> it's really lacking, pretty much everywhere
[01:25] <Rednavi> MAYBE the hitsparks are cool??
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> That's the most intelligent thing I've ever heard from you.
[01:25] <@ImGonnaStewLikeABitch> Wow.

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Brandy Bogard

December 03, 2012, 06:17:30 PM #1070 Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 06:54:17 PM by Brandy Bogard
Quote19:15   Zero-Sennin   Moo, hush
19:15   Zero-Sennin   We all know
19:15   Zero-Sennin   that secretly
19:15   Zero-Sennin   you keep Rimururu and Akari in your happy van
19:15   ISB|DrSexual_Moocolate   I don't have a van



Quote[21:45] <@Jesuszilla> http://fenixware.net/fab/fab_charMain.asp?id=1226&order=0
[21:45] <Arpa> I had a Saturn
[21:45] <@Jesuszilla> ...> THAT
[21:45] <@Jesuszilla> HAIR
[21:45] <Arpa> Dreamcast I got later
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> EEEEEEEEEE
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> I LIKE IT
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla>    Personal Treasure(s)
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> her female cat pet named Deb
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> Dislikes / Hates
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> Status   Hobbies (4th)
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> Dancing
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> ..> STOP
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> RIPOFF!
[21:46] <@Vans> deb
[21:46] <Arpa> Looking at her now, she looks like Heart Aino if she grew up to be a hooker
[21:46] <@Vans> is bed backwards
[21:46] <@Jesuszilla> LOL

Just try to keep things peaceful.

Sgt Squirrel

Brandy Bogard



Quote from: butt the hurtage 27
bithplase cincinattee

fave food is cream cron

parents: goku (father piccollo (other father) i couldnt decide if i wanted goku or picllo as father so i used both

butt is very very very strong and not so fast he has a power sord and swings it good he can jump to the moon in less then 2 minuts he wins in all fites he is better than you

his friends are goku his father and vegeta he doesnt like picolo he abused him as child goku had to beat him up infinity times until he ded. his othr frends r mario and Lou Ferrigno since the hulk is cool

original character do not steel plz :)


Just try to keep things peaceful.



QuoteVans says
damn camel
what the hell
camel clones
stupid camel
I hate you so much
s-stupid camel, it-it's not like I wanted you to be correct or anything

KoopaKoot . says

Vans says
i'll make the most accurate camel ever
and release him a separate character
because apparently that's cool now according to snk
Time to check if this works for the damn camel
What... the fuck?
i don't give a crap how long it takes
this is now personal
screw this I give up trying to get this camel

KoopaKoot . says
Camel 1 - Vans 0
: (

Click Here.

Brandy Bogard



Quote[E] says
before yesterday, actually
and it is a pretty big round too
I am considering buying an internal 3tb
KoopaKoot . says
mine is shorter than yours
I need to get an internal too
[E] says
lol yes
if you say so
KoopaKoot . says
[E] says
KoopaKoot . says
that came out so wrong

Click Here.

Sgt Squirrel

Quote[17:28] <n> [17:27] <yashichidsf> no shit that's how they're formatted
[17:28] <n> [17:27] <Therio> 450.00
[17:28] <n> [17:27] <Therio> happy now
[17:28] <n> [17:27] <Happy> no
[17:29] <Rednavi> and this is about...
[17:29] <Rednavi> *waves hand*
[17:29] <Rednavi> goh, you bitch, BL2 is getting a hotfix
[17:30] <GOH> is it hot hot HOT?
[17:30] <n> does that even need context?
[17:30] <n> are you really that dense, rednavi?
[17:31] <Rednavi> I don't know what 450.00 is?
[17:31] <Rednavi> I really have no idea
[17:31] <Rednavi> why do you think I'm asking??
[17:31] <n> [17:28] <n> [17:27] <Therio> happy now
[17:31] <n> [17:28] <n> [17:27] <Happy> no
[17:31] <OrochiGill> Red is denser than the fog I had this morning
[17:31] <c001357> yeah navi you baka
[17:31] <OrochiGill> and believe me
[17:31] <OrochiGill> that fog was really fucking dense
[17:32] <Rednavi> no really, I have no idea what are we talking about
[17:32] <Rednavi> what is 450.00?
[17:32] <n> how do you even manage to breathe
[17:33] <Rednavi> can you ANSWER me and get over it?
[17:33] * n is now known as DutchFaggot
[17:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o DutchFaggot
[17:33] * Rednavi was kicked by DutchFaggot (450.00 is a number)
[17:33] * Joins: Rednavi (Rednavi@14055ab6.14055a38.190.51.imsk)
[17:33] <Rednavi> yeah but what are you- aaaaaaa
[17:34] <Rednavi> format as in.... aaaaaa
[17:34] <Rednavi> thought you were talking about the price of a HDD or something
[17:34] <c001357> hahahahahaha
[17:34] <@DutchFaggot> and it barely had anything to do with the quote to begin with
[17:34] <Rednavi> lol
[17:34] <Rednavi> was that a discussion about "." and ","?
[17:35] <c001357> youre serious
[17:36] <@DutchFaggot> he's serious all right

how can someone be this dense

Brandy Bogard

Quote from: Noah from Y! Answers, regarding the Super Bowl power outageIt's Obama and his socialist agenda. All of you moochers who voted for him just to get free stuff are getting what you want. I'm telling you, Obama wants to ban football, and a "power outage" is just his excuse. The only people who like football are people living in the following states: Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Nebraska, Arizona, North Dakota, South Dakota, South Carolina, North Carolina, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Everyone else is a socialist.

Obama wants to ban football. You heard his comments. He needs to be impeached immediately.

Any coincidence that the liberal team of San Francisco is losing the game? It's on purpose. They want to ban the game also along with their gay friends. I thought football was the only thing Obama hasn't taken away. I was wrong.
Patriotic Conservative. Only watch FOX News.
