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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Brandy Bogard



Hey Jesuszilla, that post you deleted? It was crossposted on Guild, y'know, and the mods are NOT removing it there.

Looks like you can't avoid pretending it didn't happened.


I WAS gonna remove it.  :sho:

Didn't you already clear things up with Diepod?

Click Here.

Orochi Gill

September 12, 2013, 12:36:07 PM #1113 Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 12:41:02 PM by Orochi Gill
Not really an excuse to be a dick because most of MFG's active staff is lackluster to begin with.
(I say most of because there's a few ones I like in there)

Brandy Bogard

Quote[19:14:05] <Rednavi> I never wanted to kiss raphael so much


Courtesy of Daniel[/spoiler]

Brandy Bogard

Quote from: Some guy on some wordpress blog, found this on FSTDTum nope. I am a proud white male with an 18 inch cock, thicker than a gallon milk can. I have a pedigree going back 10 thousand years to the Aryan-Teutonics of Asgard and Atlantis, and the government is so frightened of my innate caucasoid potential that they made me file a non disclosure agreement of my superior white male dna supreme genetics.
You see white men are actually from the distant island of atlantis which was floating in the tuberclizician Stratosphere of Earth, which Gulliver christened as Laputa. We were a race of megalithic giantoids with red hair, the conqueror race. We were sentenced to sexual death because of the Ebonoid and Citrusoid races. The Citrusoid, or yellow Asiatic barbaric monghoulic species was jealous of our huge cocks-the average pureblood Nordid Halstett-Corded Aryan Anglo White man has a 20 inch cock. The Asiatic Yiddishazim-Ashkenazim-Judeoids were a race of hybrid daemons who assisted these evilistic Asiatics.
The Eboniods, or black negaroids, were covetators of our white women who were bred from eagles and doves to be the ultimate submissive-masochistic-subservile-Yin to the white males Yang-dominant-bodylikespiritualism. The white woman's queen Mother Yggdrassil was having an affair with the negaroid slave and therefore she aided the Negars and Negaroids in killing white males.
L Ron Hubbard discovered this plot during a pineal gland decalcification session but ended up being destroyed by telepathic cryonic warfare which freezes the neuronic synpatic connection between the pineal gland and the chakra center in the cingulate cortex. The third eye of the white dieties were obfuscated by the evil left reptilian draco, which subversed the Jewish media control over us.
The media such as CNN and other leftwings use a broadcast frequency of 1666 hertz by an amplitude of 616 mm. This is why 666 and 616 were numbers of the devil in Revelation. The frequencies activate the submissive part of the brain in White Male DNA brains by enlarging the medulla oblongata to three times its original size. Righteous Christian anti Zionist news media like Fox and David Duke attempt to combat this by equilibriumization of the frequencies through ultraviolet subsonarization of liquid hydrogen particles in CNN and MSNBC copper wiring composed of the unique formula C2FH1P2 molar mass 16.44 density 44mol/g.
The doublement of 44 is 88 which corresponds to H in the Englican-Phoenician alphabetization of language. HH is Heil Hitler. This is why true proud Aryans must wear 14/88 on the base of their skull, blocking intereference transmissions aimed at tge medulla oblongata.
Wake up noble Aryan men. Take our women back.

Brandy Bogard

Quote[20:42:42] <Dongle> I was looking forward to this weekend
[20:42:53] <Dongle> for some single player butt games
[20:43:00] <Dongle> then I got sick
[20:43:00] <Larc> uh
[20:43:04] <Larc> butt games?
[20:43:30] <Dongle> yeah
[20:43:41] <Dongle> like
[20:43:47] <Larc> is that a term of endearment for video games?
[20:45:04] <Dongle> Backside Pluder 2: Pirates of the Cavity and Hidden Dong, The Silicone Cantos V
[20:45:15] <Larc> ...
[20:46:19] <Brandy_Bogard> LOL
[20:46:46] <Larc> im thinking you made that up.
[20:47:39] <Dongle> pff, don't be such a pleb Larc, they're games of the highest sophistication and fortitude
[20:47:53] <Larc> fortitude maybe


Just try to keep things peaceful.