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Quote of whenever.

Started by Neon_Tiger, March 20, 2006, 09:31:53 PM

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Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Vans> That's for Rockman & Forte.
<Vans> wait a minute....
<Jesuszilla> Direct linking is cool.
<Vans> Roll...
<Vans> Rockman...
<Vans> Rock & Roll !!!
<Vans> Y4Y!
<Jesuszilla> You JUST NOW got that?
<Jesuszilla> ???
<Vans> Well uh, HAY A CLOUD!!!11
* Vans was kicked by Jesuszilla (Get out.)
* Vans has joined #badassstuff
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Vans
<Jesuszilla> Rest assured...
<Jesuszilla> Neon and I will NOT let you live this down.
<Vans> Okay.
* Vans has left #badassstuff
<Neon_Tiger> ...
<Neon_Tiger> WOW.
<Neon_Tiger> Who is going to tell him about Rush, Blues, Tango, Bass, Treble, Forte, Gospel and Reggae?



Had to quote myself saying nothing from last night.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Neon_Tiger> Uh...
<Neon_Tiger> ...
<Neon_Tiger> ..........................................................................................................
<Vans> What?
<Neon_Tiger> Now, thanks to 1UP.com's Mega Man Powered Up Creators Guild, you have the chance to have your level immortalized as the official downloadable MMPU level for 1UP.com.
<Neon_Tiger> ..........................................................................................................
<Vans> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<Vans> ......................................................................................................................
<Vans> Silly Guild Issues.
<Neon_Tiger> Indeed.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Vans> Oh shit.
<Vans> It's not 11 PM and i feel sleepy.
<Neon_Tiger> But it IS 11 PM here.
<Neon_Tiger> Right now.
<[E]dgar> i feel fucking lazy
<Neon_Tiger> Now it isn't, its 11:01
<[E]dgar> sprite editing night will be
<Vans> I'm just gonna  drink my coffee and go to sleep.
<[E]dgar> he
<Vans> Anything you guys wanna tell me before i'm gone?
<[E]dgar> cofee makes me sleepy too
<[E]dgar> unless i put salt instead of sugar
<Vans> haha, yeah.
<Neon_Tiger> Penguins.
<[E]dgar> fuck you
<[E]dgar> now put that in the qotd topic
<Neon_Tiger> k


Quote from: My friend (when we were watching Chicken Little in class)I don't like movies about cock.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<STUFF> PharaohMan's BN counterpart lacks feet.
<Jesuszilla> Who the fuck said anything about it being BN PharaohMan?
<STUFF> I did.
<Jesuszilla> Hey, maybe THAT'S how PharaohMan got those pyramids!
<Jesuszilla> He kicked Anakaris's ass and out his own dojang.
<Jesuszilla> That would rule.
<Jesuszilla> And it's definitely possible. He's a Communist.
<STUFF> No, no, no.
<STUFF> He has to evenly distribute the pyramids among the other Cossack bots.
<Jesuszilla> Fuck that. He's a Communist.
<Jesuszilla> PharaohMan isn't evenly distribuing shit.
<STUFF> ...
<STUFF> This is so Quote of the day.


April 15, 2006, 11:53:39 PM #21 Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 11:56:11 PM by Jesuszilla
Quote23:31 | <Jesuszilla> Excuse me a sec.
23:32 | @ Jesuszilla sets mode : +b *!*@a388b33c.block.alestra.6ca6d828.mx.hmsk
23:32 | ~ Jesuszilla has kicked [E]Modness from #badassstuff [Out.]
23:32 | <Jesuszilla> DON'T let him show his face in here again.
23:33 | <Jesuszilla> I've warned him and been nice too many goddamned times.
23:36 | <MachinaWeapon> ..
23:36 | <Jesuszilla> Let that be a lesson to you.
23:36 | <Jesuszilla> Understand?
23:37 | <MachinaWeapon> ..
23:38 | ¬ MachinaWeapon (darknessfi@cf6da0e5.mad.east.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has left #badassstuff
23:38 | ® MachinaWeapon (darknessfi@cf6da0e5.mad.east.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk) has joined #badassstuff
23:38 | @ ChanServ sets mode : +o MachinaWeapon
23:38 | <Jesuszilla> I'll take that as a "Yes."
23:38 | @ MachinaWeapon sets mode : -b *!*@a388b33c.block.alestra.6ca6d828.mx.hmsk
23:38 | <MachinaWeapon> >||(
23:38 | <Jesuszilla> +b
23:38 | <Jesuszilla> Shit.
23:39 | · #badassSTUFF : 11-4-2006 , 13:05:06
23:39 | <MachinaWeapon> ..
23:39 | <MachinaWeapon> >||(
23:40 | @ Jesuszilla sets mode : +b *!*@a388b33c.block.alestra.6ca6d828.mx.hmsk
23:41 | <Jesuszilla> Funny how you think I'm not being serious.
23:45 | <Jesuszilla> http://farleyfly.ytmnd.com/
23:46 | <MachinaWeapon> Funny how you think I won't be reporting this to Neon.
23:46 | * Jesuszilla sets topic :http://www.yikers.com/video_loose_truck_wheel_comes_out_of_nowhere_and_breaks_guys_legs.html | We need the obligatory YTMND here http://farleyfly.ytmnd.com/
23:46 | <Jesuszilla> Hah. Neon not making me admin or global mod at BAS was probably the smartest thing he's ever done.
23:46 | <Jesuszilla> Otherwise, I would've banned Fong on sight as well as have just banned [E].
23:47 | <MachinaWeapon> You know, you're a fucking cannon.
23:47 | <Jesuszilla> Yep.
23:48 | <MachinaWeapon> I understand you're still a kid, but dude...
23:48 | @ Jesuszilla sets mode : -b *!*@a388b33c.block.alestra.6ca6d828.mx.hmsk
23:48 | <Jesuszilla> Just fuckin' with ya. Tool.
23:49 | <Jesuszilla> =3
23:50 | <MachinaWeapon> ..
23:50 | <Jesuszilla> Hahahahahaha.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #Spotsylvania<General_John_Sedgwick> They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.
* General_John_Sedgwick is shot.


Quote01:19 | <Vans> Either way at least half the world speaks English, so yeah.
01:19 | <Jesuszilla> 26 letters.
01:19 | <Jesuszilla> Wow that was a tough alphabet.
01:19 | <Vans> what?
01:19 | <Vans> abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz ?
01:20 | <Jesuszilla> ñ isn't part of the English alphabet.
01:20 | <Vans> No.
01:21 | <Vans> But.
01:21 | <Vans> Spanish Alpha has 27.
01:21 | <Jesuszilla> Your point being?
01:21 | <Vans> Now i need to sleep cause my IQ level dropped 40 Points.
01:21 | <Vans> AND YOU ASK ME?, LOL
01:22 | $ Vans is now known as Vans|Away
01:22 | <Jesuszilla> My point was that the English alphabet only has 26 fucking letters. Wow. That's so goddamned hard to memorize.
01:22 | $ Vans|Away is now known as Vans|Sleep
01:22 | <Vans|Sleep> No, it's not.
01:22 | <Jesuszilla> Ever heard of sarcasm?
01:22 | <Vans|Sleep> Try the JAPANESE alphabet.
01:22 | <Vans|Sleep> No, what's that?
01:23 | <Jesuszilla> . . .
01:23 | <Jesuszilla> Get some goddamned sleep.
01:23 | <Vans|Sleep> Eh?
01:24 | <Jesuszilla> QOTD

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Jesuszilla> If life hands you lemons, hollow them out and fuck them.
<Vans> No, that's sick.
<Neon_Tiger> Dude...
<Neon_Tiger> Acid.
<Neon_Tiger> Acidic Lemon juice probably would hurt down there.
<Jesuszilla> Damn that hurts.....
<MachinaWeapon> Why are we even discussung this?
<Jesuszilla> I just tried it.
<Jesuszilla> Seriously.
<Neon_Tiger> Because Jesus is 14.
<Vans> ...
<Jesuszilla> No seriously.
<Vans> Can i kick him?
<Jesuszilla> I just tried to fuck a fucking lemon.
<MachinaWeapon> So. Vans is 15.
<Neon_Tiger> Alright expose "it" to a weak base.
<Neon_Tiger> That should remedy the pain.
<Jesuszilla> I CAN'T
<MachinaWeapon> Ok, JZ, you can attention whoring now.
<Jesuszilla> God it hurts...
<Jesuszilla> NO SHIT
<MachinaWeapon> can stop*
<Neon_Tiger> Soap is slightly basic.
<Neon_Tiger> Use that then.
<Jesuszilla> Oh God.
<Jesuszilla> I can't fucking walk after that....
<Jesuszilla> damn
<Vans> .............
<MachinaWeapon> That's what your ass gets.
<Vans> (...)
<Jesuszilla> >8<
<MachinaWeapon> >||(
<Neon_Tiger> This is why you don't fuck fruits of the citrus family.
<MachinaWeapon> Leave that to the expert.
<Jesuszilla> Well a burning apple pie isn't exactly a good choice either.
<Neon_Tiger> And for the record, this is being Quote of the dayed.
<Jesuszilla> Plus I don't have one on me right now.
<MachinaWeapon> You know, there's a Fruit Fucker for a reason.
<Jesuszilla> And for the record, I was fuckin' with ya the whole time.
<Jesuszilla> But you probably already knew that.
<MachinaWeapon> Yes, attention whoring.


QuoteOnce upon a midnight dreary, while I net surfed weak and weary, and I found this endless searching was a bore. While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, "'Tis not possible!" I muttered, "I swear this site was here before!" Quoth the server, "404!"


Quote from: #badassSTUFF<Neon_Tiger> Until then, I think I shall state random Earthbound quotes on a random interval:
<Jesuszilla> BoInG
<Neon_Tiger> Onett police are infamous for closing roads if something is going on. We are going for the world record...
<Neon_Tiger> Hey, sidewalk! Get out of my way!
<Neon_Tiger> The Lil'UFO shot a beam that causes night-time stuffiness!
<Neon_Tiger> Green, green. Opps that's not it... I'm still new at this.
<Neon_Tiger> And for the grand finale I need a Moonside quote of some sort:
<Neon_Tiger> Mani Mani is always Mani Mani at Mani Mani with all Mani Mani Mani...



Quote[00:23] <STUFF> You know, I'm kind of hoping Mother 3 doesn't get released in America.
[00:23] <Vans> ":":":":":":":":":":":":
[00:23] <STUFF> That game would have so much editing to it, it wouldn't be the same after.
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ugh...
[00:23] <STUFF> (Even moreso than Earthbound)
[00:23] <Vans> {}}{}{}{}{}{{}{}{}{}{
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Thank God for fanslations.
[00:23] <Vans> <><<><><><<><><><><><><
[00:23] <STUFF> I mean those transvestites alone...
[00:24] <Vans> )_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)
[00:24] <Jesuszilla> Neon: WHAT?!
[00:24] <Vans> *&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&
[00:24] <STUFF> And then theres the fact Kumatora is probably a lesbian.
[00:24] <Vans> :":{:{:":":{:"":":{:{:":":{:
[00:24] <STUFF> Never make STFU VANS.
[00:24] <Vans> <><>"|}{"">??<><>""|}}{
[00:24] * Vans was kicked by STUFF (STUFF)
[00:24] <STUFF> Anyways, it would never make it in conservative America.
[00:24] <Jesuszilla> STFFU
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> That's it. I'm definitely taking Japanese as well as Latin.
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> So I can be badass.
[00:25] <STUFF> Then there is the whole thing with the fact that people die.
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> OMFG
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> THEY DIE
[00:25] <STUFF> I know.
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> IN A KID'S GAME!!!
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> HOW TRAUMATIZING!!!
[00:25] <STUFF> But it's in a Cartoonish style, Nintendo could never permit that.
[00:26] <STUFF> I mean they censored the Red crosses out of Earthbound for christs sake.
[00:26] <STUFF> ... that was somewhat inappropraite wording wasn't it?
[00:26] <Jesuszilla> LOL

Just try to keep things peaceful.


Quote from: #badassSTUFF* Jesuszilla is now known as Hammer
<Neon_Tiger> STOP
* Hammer time!